Naturally, voices responded again, this time majorly from the odd man in the the room not so far away. "“Hey, you two! Up on the second floor, there is a large room filled with Encyclopedias. We can meet up there. Uhm, there is a lady up here and I presume she can hear this. She can go first. It’s closer to her anyway. Then the guy downstairs can make his way up.” The voice resounded from that very room, somewhere, her hearing was off more than normal though, she couldn't figure out what room it was or even how far away it was, she only figured it came from her left due to the echo. She stood, slightly, making a slightly arched crouch like run to that direction, she was hardly the expert stealth runner, but anyone could alter their footsteps enough to soften their footing on this type of carpet, though her jacket and bag make the most noise. Soon enough she reached the room the man was in, or she thought she did, Then she looked nearby it, at the clear sign stating the room. [b][i]Encyclopedia Room[/i][/b] it stated in bold like letters at the top of the door casing. Easy enough to figure out from there, she pressed her side against the wall nearby, grabbed the door handle and swung it open while remaining behind the wall. Carefully, she peeked in, trying to see inside, her eyes adjusting to the dim darkness within. Once her eyes adjusted she made her way inside, gazing about and moving to the left so that no one would ram into her from the back, thinking of that, she quickly pressed her own back against the wall as much as possible, to prevent anyone from sneaking up upon her due to her hearing. She's been hit in the head a lot in her time as a fighter, but it didn't excuse the fact that it could still hurt. "Hello!? Anyone here?!" She called out into the room, a bit wary of the situation of following an unknown guy into a random room of the library considering what was going on outside. ~~~ Nelia hears the strange mans response, and carefully as possible, makes her way to the Encyclopedia room, once inside in what she considers a special agent maneuver, she calls out to see if anyone's there.