[center]RELICS OF MUSIC -Part 1- [img]http://mahoutofu.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/chiaki-shinichi-full-660730.jpg[/img] [/center] [i]Prelude[/i] "Where life exists, music exists. It's a fact. Can people walk or breath in our daily lives without rhythm? It's impossible. Try it if you so desire... we find patterns and that's the human way. Our emotions might act as if they have harmonic structure within our lives, the feelings and the thoughts... the truths, ideals, and devotions. What is life without a sound, a voice, a tear shed, a hug or kiss shared with someone who we truly love. Melodies and pitch are created when we talk even if we don't think anything of it. Maybe microtonal in increment, but it's still there. We've lived through the times of music ever since the day we first realized that we existed in a musical world. An art form that will never leave us until destruction cocoons over our globe. It is the network of culture. Tension and release. It is the movement of wars and propaganda. Tension and release. The stories shared to pass on to the ones we teach our life lessons to. Tension and release. Our world... starts and begins in music. Tension and release. Why am I saying all of this? Well... time will tell soon, but just trust me on this. Music is the metaphor of life and death. We take in our experiences and release it for the world to know what we truly mean." .... [img]https://c1.staticflickr.com/7/6145/5922227225_b4b5ce40b6_z.jpg[/img] Also known as Japan's kitchen and merchant city, Osaka is a famous location in the Kansai Region known for it's trade and food that originated from the area. A company known as The Japanese Virtissimo Co. ( Also known as the JVC ) had appeared in this highly populated location. However, a couple years had passed and after a loss of funds the company had gone out of business. In fact nobody necessarily knew what they were trying to sell, but the locals near the company did know that it had something to do with music. What they didn't know was that these were strangely musical items with futuristic technologies. These musical enigma had highly dangerous capabilities of creating notes made out of pure energy and light waves that were contracted through their systems. Depending on what the instruments were based off of they hold different abilities and skills locked within these strange machines, each one holding unique properties. All of these instruments were modeled after instruments that we use today ( like piano, harp, violin, bass, guitar, koto, etc ) sprawling motivation from different cultural instrumentation and influence. They weren't selling any of their products, so what were they there for. This strange company, strangely sealed off in a forbidden wooded area on the outskirts of the city, was long forgotten. However, what would happen if these war-like machines were discovered? And what was this company trying to accomplish with these instruments? ======== Rules: ======== -No Godmodding -Please no one liners, a paragraph minimum -Keep it PG13 -Have Fun! Character Template Name: Appearance: Age: Gender: Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Backstory: Instrument(s): ( If he/she plays one ) Anything else?: