[b]James/NRG - Central Park [/b] James was laying on a bench, looking up at the sky above. He wonder how such a simple could be viewed as beautiful by people. James pondered that for a couple minutes. Then his train of thought was irrupted by large amount of screaming and the crunch of metal. The noise startled him so much that he fell of the bench. He quickly got up and dusted himself off. Then he headed towards the screaming. When James arrived at the scene, two other meta-humans were helping people out of a crushed and flame covered bus. James took off his bag, crouched to carefully set it on the ground, then he removed his shoes and socks. James walked up to the bus and started putting the fire out by flopping down on top of it and rolling around, even if debris was there. Most bystanders if there was any there would think he was putting out the fire with his body, when in truth was absorbing the energy. Some of the debris stabbed into him, which caused to grunt and curse from pain. When NRG was done with the fire that posed the most danger, he stood up. His shirt and pants were burned and damaged severely, he was bleeding from quite a few places, but no burns. NRG removed the bigger pieces of debris in his wounds. After he finished removing the pieces, NRG used the energy absorbed from the fire to activated his regenerative healing. Then he walked up to his bag and shoes. He replaces his shoes and puts his bag on. [b]NRG - Subway[/b] NRG jumped down the hole created by Boomstick and Templar. He closed his eyes from the pain in his legs caused by the landing, then his knees buckled. NRG stopped himself from face planting with his arms. NRG noticed four people fighting, he was unsure which ones were good or bad. So he took out his experimental battery, and absorbed its charge. Then NRG prepared to fire at the villain(s), which his body dislocated his jaw and his cheeks split in half. His jaw at an unnatural position, and he watched ready to fire when he discover who was/were the villain(s).