[b]Fairy - Subway - [everybody][/b] "Umm, o-okay" Momo responded, surprised by Breakdown's concise answer. She guessed he wasn't really the talkative type. Following after him she stopped to look down the big hole in the ground before jumping. The sound of gunshots, shouting, and the dusty debris made her hesitate. Just what exactly did she think she was going to do? These guys were bonafide capes, she was just a girl in pink pajamas who somehow got wings after falling on her ass, but that's a story for another time. Yet despite the danger she wanted to help, she wanted to do or be part of something greater than herself. She was done with being a caterpillar, she wanted to be a butterfly. [i]No turning back now[/i] she thought to herself before hopping down the rabbit hole. As she fell Momo flapped her wings furiously to slow her descent, inadvertently she created a gust of wind that sent dust and dirt from the debris away from herself an into every direction. Beneath her she uncovered a sword that was hiding underneath the dust. It must be Templar's! She took it to keep it away from Templar and so that she had something to defend herself with other than strands of silk. In the middle of the commotion she could hear Breakdown's voice, the only voice there she knew she could trust. [b]"Everybody needs to calm down!"[/b] The civilians only became more panicked by his shouting. Rather than join the fight immediately Momo tried to distance the civilians from the fight. "出口! 出口! de-guchi!" she said as she used the sword and hand motions to point to the exit. Usually her English was quite fluent, but in the stressful situation her native Japanese started to take over. "Umm, err, exit! Exit that way! Away from fight, exit there!" For some reason people actually listened to her. Maybe it was because she wasn't threatening like the combatants, maybe it was the wings. Either way she quickly cleared the immediate area of civilians.