Momo pulled away as she noticed Dim falling out of consciousness and caught him when he fell. "He'll probably be out a few hours." She stated as she picked him up in her arms and leaned him over her shoulder. "Momo... Your other slave has arrived. She's in the other room." Stated the male who had just shown Nyx to the main room. "Wonderful!" she exclaimed as she headed out the door way to the hall and looked at Airi. "Follow." she simply stated to her and headed down the hall, boy still on her shoulder. As she entered the main room, she looked at Nyx, standing near the fireplace. "....Did he not offer you a seat? That's bad, i told him to always offer new arrivals a seat. I guess I will have to teach him a lesson." she sighed slightly, walking over to her. "Enjoying the tea? It's organic, good for your insides." she stated. "Please follow me, I will show you to your area." she stated, heading back out the door. "My name is Momo, you may call me by that name only. I do not like Mistress, I do not like Ma'am."