[hider=arite, m8s?] [b]UNXIPU Enlistment Form Section 1[/b] - [i]Personal Particulars A[/i] [b]First Name/Given Name[/b]: Jonathan [b]Surname/Family Name/Last Name[/b]: Bishop [b]Age[/b]: 35 [b]Birthdate[/b]: March 31st, 1985 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Sexual Orientation[/b]: Heterosexual [b]Blood-Type[/b]: O negative [b]Race[/b]: Caucasian [b]Height[/b]: 5‘11“ [b]Weight[/b]: Approx. 180lbs [b]Appearance/Description[/b]: [img]http://i.imgur.com/YXZ018F.jpg?1?1250[/img] ---- [b]UNXIPU Enlistment Form Section 2[/b] - [i]Personal Particulars B[/i] [b]Nationality[/b]: English [b]City/Town/Village of Origin[/b]: Northampton, England [b]Educational Background[/b]: - Graduate, General Studies - Graduate, RMA Sandhurst [b]Political Background[/b]: N/A [b]Personality[/b]: Captain Bishop was at one point a good, caring man. He would sacrifice his own well-being to aid others in need, and could best be described as the kind of fellow that would gladly give you the shirt from his back. Regrettably, two years in near total isolation have left his mind fractured and his body weak; though he possesses the spark of genius and military prowess that made him a great man before his excommunication, he is considerably mad now. [b]Biography[/b]: Here We Go ‘Round the Mulberry Bush... He’d done admirably. Performed his duties, like a good English boy, always in the service of Her Majesty and the Crown. He scored high marks in primary and college, gone on to enlist and graduate with honors from RMA Sandhurst, and enter the service as an Intelligence Officer. He “fought” - with knowledge, of course; he was never particularly fond of firearms - in Afghanistan, and Iraq, and even Libya. Enter a foreign state, prise their secrets away from unsuspecting countrymen, and turn the tides of war against them with their own skeletons. He’d even been awarded the Victoria Cross and climbed the ranks to Captain... all this from an average boy born and raised in Northampton. Fifteen years of military service, pride and honor and sacrifice. It was in his fourteenth year that Jon picked apart a mystery of impossible origins: extraterrestrial, that is. He’d grown up watching the Doctor on BBC, dreaming of aliens from a distant galaxy - but he had never truly believed. A devout protestant, Jon presumed humanity the focus of God’s eye, and the cradle of galactic civilization. Of course, it took no more than a month in Wakefield for Jonathan Bishop to disavow God. Her Majesty’s Prison Wakefield, the largest Category A high security prison in the United Kingdom, home to the nation’s most vile defilers and abusers of women and children and - as of the early 2000s - the owner of a shiny new supermax facility for its most deadly inhabitants. It was no place at all for a good man. For his part in the attempted leaking of definitive proof of extraterrestrial life possessed by the Crown, Captain Bishop was declared an enemy of the Crown, stripped of all ranks, titles, vocations and awards, and sentenced to a life in Wakefield. The guards were abusive, to say the least - but given the standard of inmates, the Englishmen and women paying for the facility’s blight upon the West Yorkshire skyline were less than concerned about a few brutalized rapists and murderers. Jon spent twenty-three hours a day in solitary confinement, expected to have virtually nobody to share his awful secrets with, and provided only one hour of exercise a day. He deteriorated, both mentally and physically, and a once strong, bright young man had gone somewhat mad and gaunt, a shell of his former self. Nonetheless, his mad mind schemed and plotted, and Jon was a frequent Wakefield escapee. During his imprisonment Captain Bishop escaped no less than two dozen times, typically venturing only briefly into the Yorkshire countryside before being returned - or, in some curious cases, returning of his own volition - to Wakefield. After two years of hair-pulling frustration - including several prison riots and the near death of the warden at Bishop’s own hands - the Crown devised a plan to rid themselves of the madman. An international group of civilians and military personnel was forming to combat a perceived extraterrestrial threat to Earth, and every nation on the planet was expected to supply their best and brightest. Most nations, unsurprisingly, took this as a chance to submit sub-par recruits in an attempt to, on paper, placate the UNXIPU program; given his years of illustrious service and military expertise, Captain Bishop was a model soldier who Her Majesty's Prison Service insisted the program should be both delighted and honored to accept into their ranks. They were quite right about a long since dead incarnation of Bishop. ---- [b]UNXIPU Enlistment Form Section 3[/b] - [i]Service Record[/i] [b]Previous Service Affiliation/s[/b]: British Army [b]Previous Unit/s[/b]: 3 Military Intelligence Battalion [b]Current Vocation/Specialisation[/b]: N/A [b]Previous Vocation/s/Specialisation/s[/b]: Intelligence Corps Officer [b]Current Native Rank[/b]: N/A [b]Previous Native Rank/s[/b]: Officer Cadet, Second Lieutenant, Lieutenant, Captain [b]Years of Security/Police/Military Service[/b]: 15 [b]History of Active Combat Deployments[/b]: - War in Afghanistan - War in Iraq - Libyan Intervention [b]Awards/Medals/Certificates/Citations Achieved[/b]: - Victoria Cross ---- [b]UNXIPU Enlistment Form Section 4[/b] - [i]Packing List[/i] [b]Uniforms/Clothing Manifest[/b]: 2x Multicam BDUs 3x Set of uniformed shirts & pants for non-combat wear [b]Protective Gear Manifest[/b]: 1x Mk. 7 helmet 1x Osprey Assault body armour 1x Brown Patrol boots [b]Field Equipment Manifest[/b]: 1x SpecterOS LDS 1x ACOG 1x Personal Role Radio [b]Weapons/Ammunitions Manifest[/b]: 1x L129A1 DMR rifle 1x White phosphorus smoke grenade 2x High explosive grenade [/hider]