[b]Boomstick - Chaos in the Subway Tunnel[/b] Boomstick nearly laughed out loud, her timing was perfect, her predicted trajectory was aimed straight for his head, if this guy was a resilient as she believed him to be then this punch was gonna knock him out cold, if he was not then maybe put him in a coma, one of the two. Her fist punched out and after a dazzling beam streaked across her vision her punch hit nothing but air, causing her heavy momentum to send her flying forwards and flip over onto her back in a very unceremonious fashion. "What the hell!" she yelled, standing up dust and rock fell from her back as she looked around for who ever just interrupted her, spotting a orange crystal dude she glared at him, "Hey I had this under control!" she pointed at him, giving him the stink eye of a wrathful angel. She turned back around to the direction flyboy was blasted away into, not able to see him in the smoke and dust that was kicked up by the fight. So focused on getting back into [i]her[/i] fight she did not hear or even notice all the commotion from the new and camera, or even Tiger yelling out orders to a new comer she had not seen yet. However her time was up, five minutes had passed and her god mode faded, the aura surrounding her dimmed to nothing and her hair went back to black, the wing on her back vanishing in curls of white smoke. "No no! not yet, I had him!" she panicked, she still could not see where flyboy went in all the smoke and now she lost her immunity. Raising her arm for defense she heard a sudden crack, turning towards the noise she say flyboy kicking off the wall and flying full speed towards her, it was the same as before but he moved at a much faster speed, this time though she just punched straight forwards, meeting him in a full on impact.