[center][b][u]Carmen[/u][/b][/center] Carmen raised one eyebrow, finally turning her head to face Lily. "Memories and size? That sounds like a [i]little[/i] more than nothing," she opined. She saw Lily look at her three pictures. It caused her to think about her own past...she didn't have anyone to put in a picture frame. That was totally fine with her, but...having those kinds of memories to look back on seemed...nice. Perhaps [i]her[/i] memories were being made right now. She resolved to not overthink it and turned her thoughts back to Lily, realizing only then that she had left Lily with an uncomfortably long silence after her last question. "OH! Um...sorry. My mind wanders sometimes, you know," she explained. "I...was sort of all over the place," she began, trying to think of the words to describe it. "Socializing, playing background music, stopping a fight, buying clothes, sitting at a bar, putting a guy in a wedding dress, annihilating guys with a foam cannon...you know, the usual," she said, slightly chuckling. "It's actually remarkable how much things calmed down by the time we ran into each other," she said. "In the dojos, I mean."