Hi. I'm me. Me is I. However most people call me Wintergrey. Or Winter, that works too. Yeah. I'm here from a forum that has unfortunately died off. It was the forum that brought me into writing Rp's. It awoke a deep inner story-teller that I didn't know about. I'm going to miss it though It's only active for the classic one-liners right now. It was like the black plague and soon infected everyone. Luckily I left before I got infected. After several days on the road I managed to find this place. Hopefully I'm introducing myself, looking to see if I will be accepted into this community. Anyway thanks for letting me ramble, I hope that soon we will meet and interlock in a severely action-packed dangerously exciting crazily massive intensely fun stupidly amazing RP together. Or you could just say hi. That works equally well. :)