While the woman was busy questioning Akira, Allura decided to finish up the rest of her breakfast. However, she was not so engrossed in the action that she could not follow the conversation going on around her and she was able to sense that Akira was getting a bit agitated because of her questions. So the angel gave him a reassuring look, as if to say that she was just curious before focusing back on her nearly empty plate. Though the question about his tattoo did raise a few questions of her own but Allura decided that it would be best to keep them to herself for now until they were alone once more. After nodding to his question, the angel stood and proceeded to take her plate over to the woman's sink; she figured that it was the least she could do after being she had been fed so generously by the woman. Suddenly, Allura picked up on a faint trace of evil energy from somewhere behind her. [I]That demon inside of him must be awake again.[/I] She thought with a frown as she returned to her seat, just as the elderly woman asked her a question about Akira's identity. "He's..." Allura had to really think about her answer. She couldn't tell the woman that he was a half demon that was being tracked down by both angels and demons alike, so she settled for another answer: "He's a demon...but he's defiantly different from others. He's a good person, just remember that." The angel replied with a smile that was polite but clearly showed that the topic was not up for discussion. The woman nodded and then slowly stood from her chair. "Come, dear. You'll need to change out of those torn clothes if you plan on blending in around here. Many of my neighbors are still talking about the 'mysterious couple that suddenly appeared out of no where' last night." Allura allowed herself to be led to another part of the home and, after a bit of searching around, the angel was forced to wear one of the woman's old dresses. "It's a bit short on you but it fits you well." She complimented Allura as she tied a little bow in the back and the angel thanked her in response. Allura wasn't one to wear a dress, but the woman did not have any pants and her husband's were too big on her. Oh well, she would have to just suck it up and go along with it; at least she was still able to put her pouches around her waist. The angel then asked her for directions to the market area before heading out the woman's home to where Akira was waiting on the outside. "She said the market area is a little ways east from here and that it should have everything that we need...ready to go?" She asked as she looked back at Akira and smiled slightly; despite having a rough day only hours before, Allura was in a surprisingly good mood today. It must have been the delicious breakfast that the woman made for them.