Hnnnn. . . . . . . .I'm vaguely upset. By the way we made the characters, my guy would have sunk the knife in long before being thrown off. He'd have felt the prince tense with his thighs and presses the blade down into his neck without hesitation. My guy may seem arrogant, but he has a right to be. Even if yer guy would react that way, my guy would be able to complete the kill. . . . .Could you, perhaps, do a slight alteration? I can give you a mild control over my guy to fill in that last part in a way we can both agree on perhaps? How about yer guy does that part where he pretends to give up but my guy recognizes the feeling of the prince readying himself to throw my guy off and presses the blade into his neck just far enough that if the prince moves he would kill himself. From there, all you would have to do is something my guys not use to: say that last line. It would only take a second or two of blank stare thinking, and I give you permission to have my guy settle back on his heels. He's confident enough in himself that he doesn't fear the prince running. What do you think?