"You know me?!" Rowena flinched from the sheer intensity of his exclaimation. Her aggressive feelings simmered away when she convinced herself that some forgotten memory wasn't reason for picking a fight with some man on the street. The man, though, whoever he was, certainly wasn't helping his case. He stomped towards her, repeating his question. She took a step back, but made no more movements to escape the encounter. It probably would have been smarter to do so. Yet she couldn't bring herself to leave. That surge of feeling had been the same as when she'd entered her apartment for the first time, and when she'd seen her coworkers, after that. Well, it wasn't [i]exactly[/i] the same. Those had been pleasantly familiar. They made her feel happier and more secure. If she felt that way with her friends, then it would stand to reason that, with how she felt before, this guy was the opposite. And now he was reaching out and touching her. Rowena's eyes widdened, but she allowed it; partially because he didn't seem to mean her harm, and partially out of pure curiosity. The moment he touched her, he flinched away and fell to the ground, clenching his head. He winced as if in some terrible pain. A pang of guilt hit her hard. It was seeming more and more like he was mentally ill, clearly battling some mental demons of his own. [I]I'm just paranoid,[/i] she decided, [i]and my mind is playing tricks on me.[/i] Her features softened. "Are you okay?" She asked, concerned. He did not answer. Rather, a voice came from some point behind her. She frowned. "No, I-" she started, but a different man interupted and more or less propositioned her. The group came into view; there were about five men, one armed. Ironically, Rowena felt less threatened by them than she had before, of the odd stranger wh was now pulling himself to his feet. The light post he clung to flickered at his touch. How odd. But she didn't have time to worry about that, not with the thugs closing inwards. [i]Where's Spider-Man when you need him?[/i] she found herself wondering. The woman slid into a fighting stance out of instinct -[i]Just who the hell am I?[/i]- as her eyes scanned the ground for... There! Poking up through a crack in the sidewalk were a few tiny weeds. They were more than enough for her purposes. "We don't want any trouble," she said earnestly. Fighting was always, in her opinion, the last resort. "Please, just leave us be." Her words did nothing to stop their advance. She sighed, and poured her focus into those little weeds that laid between herself and the three men. "Wait, what the fuck is that?" One of the men gasped, flinching back from what he saw. The weeds grew and grew, out of the crack and across the sidewalk, braiding together into a thick rope. "I... I think she's one of them mu-" "Please. Leave," Rowena repeated. Two of the men muttered their apologies to their friend. He stood his ground. "I ain't afraid of no damn mutants," The remaining thug spat, pulling a blade of his own. "You should be." With that, she made a broad, sweeping motion with her hand. The plant lurched his legs, wrapping around them and forcing him to the ground before he had time to react. That more or less taken care of, Rowena turned her attention to the stranger and the other two thugs.