The prince grunted as Rose cinched the cloth over his eyes, knowing he'd have a headache in a few minutes from the pressure. His other senses sharpened slightly, without the distraction of his vision to steamroll his other faculties. Birds chirped in the distance and the occasional rustle of brush or branches [i]crunched[/i] under their feet or around them. The smells of barks and bushes and sometimes berries wafted by, and despite months of tutoring he wasn't able to bring a single name to any of the scents. The air was still a bit cool since it was morning, he reasoned he must have been out all night else the spring sun would have warmed the world around them. A mental checklist of his duties ran through his head, though it wasn't unusual for him to skirt them and he wasn't likely to have been missed if it weren't for the disappearance of his tracker as well. He let out a small sigh, as one might having dropped some change on the ground. "You know, not everyone wants to kill me. Some would even call me friend, if you can believe that," he snorted. There was a darkness to the tone in which he said it, something that hinted even he knew the cold ingenuousness of the statement. He stumbled a bit as their pace picked up, his stomach growling from hunger. He'd be glad to get a meal once back inside the palace, if that was the only thing he looked forward to. "And no one's going to attack us when I'm standing beside you. I'm the [b]prince[/b]. Maybe I've taken a fancy for you, no grunt would risk his neck by upsetting the prince. They have no idea what's going on and they haven't the gall to ask. We could walk to the throne room in plain view and so long as we look somewhat amicable, no one would question anything." He rolled his eyes moments before she tugged his blindfold off, thankfully before she could see the motion. His expression remained unimpressed at her revelation, "If there is an afterlife filled with angels like you, then what's the difference between paradise there, and hell here?" He shrugged, sighing slightly as he let his train of thought continue, "Would your father be proud of what you do? What you've done in the last day? Kidnapping? Murder?" Kendrick shook his head slightly, "You will die, Lady Rose. It's not likely to happen today if all goes well, but it's going to happen. And it's probably going to be someone else's fault. If your death heralds in an eternity of damnation... What does it matter if it begins today or in twenty years? Just live for today, in the moment. It's all we really have anyway." He closed his eyes and tightened his stomach, calmly awaiting her to lash out and strike him for his candor.