Universe 1: The Doctor smiled at Jen's pleasure. It was the little things that brought such pleasure. For him, it was nothing to travel to a glamorous sight but for his companions, they took loved it. They enjoyed it. It was new and exciting. And in a way, he was happy because they were happy. "You're welcome." He told her as she thanked him. Stopping by a pond, he watched her sit down and take in the view. Sprawling down beside her he looked out over the landscape though in reality, her expressions, and responses were more interesting to watch. He got his pleasure from watching the joy to others then from the actual landscape. After some many hundred years, certain things no longer touched you. However, humans always seemed to make him smile. Either that or get annoyed. Depending on the human. When Jen noted that it must be hard for him to relax, he chuckled. She had no idea. He had always been running. Ever sense he stole the TARDIS so long ago, he ran - never looking back, barely stopping for any relaxation. It was funny actually. He really hadn't set out to constantly run into trouble, battle monsters, and help people. No, he had just wanted to see the universe. The splendor and glory of creation among the countless stars. Helping people and stopping monsters along the way had just came along. So he never did relax. Even before the war. And then with the war.... Well, needless to say he was still running. Still going forward, never daring to look back. He frowned as Jen stated something about going home. He looked at her. "Listen here. You're no burden." He told her. "I didn't have to take you and I could have left you back on earth, anytime." In fact he had - to other companions. Those that hadn't died, he had finally taken them home. Never because they were a burden or a hassle, no. He took them home because it was time to move on. Time for them to continue. Or whatever other reason that came up. He looked at her, face serious. "You know, you're right about one thing. I don't relax. Rarely do. This..." He pointed toward the landscape and the planet in the sky. "This doesn't effect me anymore. I've been traveling the universe for so long I don't see the beauty anymore. Not by myself. Now you." He grinned. "You see it all. It's wondrous to you. Fresh, new. Beautiful. And because of that, I can see it again. You help me see the beauty again." He frowned. "So don't belittle yourself. I'll let you know if you become a burden." He didn't mean to sound harsh, it just came out a bit bluntly. Why did humans always think little of themselves? He had seen a lot, met a lot of individuals and never once had he met a human who wasn't important. Even though ones who did wrong had some potential, some purpose. He sighed. "You lot..." He said with a smile. "Probably the most important species out there and you think your not important." He turned to look at her. "But you are. Every last one of you." He looked away again. Besides, they were his adoptive planet - though they didn't really know it. Even when Gallifrey was around, he considered earth his second home. In fact, he probably spent more time there then he did on Gallifrey. He leaned back. Though he was rearing to go, he forced himself to stay put. There would be plenty of time to go see other places. Plenty of time later to battle monsters or observe supernovas. Now, this time was for Jen. For her, not for him. And despite the fact humans were a strong species, and he did not doubt Jen in that aspect, he knew that she would probably need some time to relax, to recuperate from her meeting with Andrew, the sniveling little boyfriend. But then again, he did have a purpose. Without him leaving, the Doctor probably would never have met Jen. Selfish, yes. But he was glad he met her. Glad she ran away with him. She helped him to forget. He sighed and looked over at her. "I'm sorry. That probably came out harsh." He stated. "I've been on my own for a while I forget to tone it down." He informed her. "What I mean to say is that I'm glad you're here." He smiled. "And I wouldn't have it any other way." He shrugged. "Though, if you want to leave, I can take you home. And I'll avoid Valentine's day." He said giving a cheeky grin to lighten the mood a little. --- Universe 2: Holding her marker, Summer watched as a few of the other teams went up first. She looked at the Doctor. She wondered what his artistic skills were like. She was fairly decent. Having practiced a lot when she was younger. She loved art and though photography was still number one, she enjoyed drawing on the side, mostly for her own pleasure. She didn't think of herself as really good, but decent. When it came to her turn, she nodded for the Doctor to go. Though she was good at art, she was not good at being the center of attention. Standing up in front of everyone and drawing was not the greatest idea. She smiled as he started to draw. Good. He was doing easy ones. "Teacher." She stated, though she had to repeat herself so they could hear her. When he came back down next to her, she nudged him. "Not bad." She whispered. "Thanks for making it easy." They played several more rounds. Thankfully, she didn't have to go up except for once. When it came to the final round, Summer was surprised that they were one of the two teams left. When the Doctor told her to go, she gave him a slightly panicked look before forcing a smile and heading up there. She heard his words of encouragement and for some reason that helped a bit. Going to the center of the room, she nervously held her marker. When the other man let her go first, she nodded thanks and then went to the pad. Quick as lightning, yet flawless she drew. It was something easy. Something that he should easily get. The branches formed and she quickly put a few ornaments on them. Setting an angel on top, she backed away, finished extremely fast. She nodded as the Doctor guessed it. "That's pretty good." Mabel stated. "You did that pretty quick. And the detail. You've got some talent." A couple of the others nodded in agreement. Smiling politely, Summer made her way back to the Doctor and sat down. Her opponent, opened his marker and waited to start. Thankful, that the attention was off her, Summer took a sigh of relief. Part of her smiled on the inside at her mother's complement. It felt good coming from her and made it worth standing up in front of everyone. Though, she would prefer it wouldn't happen again. She watched as the other team tried to guess what the man drew. She could see what it was but his team didn't. Finally the time ran out, making them the winner. Pulling them up in front of everyone, Mabel made them give a little bow before letting them sit back down. Then she took off to get more treats. Summer sat down next to the Doctor. The next few hours flew by fairly quick. They sang a few carrels, discussed how the new year was going to be. In the mingling and multiple moving around, Summer found herself next to her father near the back. It was actually a good spot. A bit behind everyone, not in the limelight. Glancing at him sideways, she watched as the Doctor chatted with some lady who seemed to be flirting with him. Though she was very obvious that she was interested, he stayed polite but distant. "Good man you got there." Her father stated, surprisingly Summer. She looked over at him. "What? Oh..." She shook her head. "We aren't...It's not like that." She stated a bit flustered. It might seem strange that she was with him and others might think the wrong thing but that wasn't the case. Sure, there had been a few times where her emotions got the best of her around him, but no. It wasn't like that. "We're just friends." She stated. He nodded. The two sat there silently for a few minutes just observing the room. Summer felt content. It was just like old times. As a child, she would sit next to him for hours, the two rarely talking, just sitting there enjoying each other's company the solitude. As the party started to break up. Standing, her father nodded to her before excusing himself. He apparently had something he needed to do. Seeing the Doctor come her way, she stood and smiled at him. "This was nice." She stated.