Robin was seated in a place called Starbucks. It was some sort of coffee place that was apparently founded back in 1971, but Robin had never heard of it. Must not have been popular back then. In the past 50 hours Robin had been unable to sleep. Well 50 hours to him, according to a clock on the wall it had been around 28 hours since he arrived in the year 2014. A lot had changed since 1971. The Vietnam war had ended and a new one had begin in the Middle East. The Seahawks beat the Broncos in the Super Bowl this year. Technology had made gigantic leaps in advancement, evidenced by the notebook thin computers everyone was carrying around. Even as a scientist Robin had trouble believing such small devices could be computers far more advanced than the ones of his day. Not much had really changed about the world though, people were essentially the same all around. Aside from the incredible technology this was still very much the city he had grown up in. But he had to find someone he knew, someone had to be alive. His friends would all be in their 60's by now, but he might be able to locate them if he searched hard enough. He had looked around his old neighborhood and couldn't find anyone he recognized. Really, he was most worried about finding out about his mother, if she was still alive. Robin had already figured out that his father must have gotten flung much further into the future than he had. He didn't know how he'd find the resources but somehow he'd build a new time machine and find his father. Even if he had to jump indefinitely into the future to find him. Robin left the Starbucks and went outside. Everyone around him was moving slowly, even the cars were moving slower than he ran. He waited a while at the crosswalk, but the wait was unbearable. A good 5 minutes had passed and Robin had a feeling it wouldn't be changing any time soon. He looked around and didn't see any police; he figured this would be a good time to jaywalk. Robin looked both ways and hurried across the street. There was car coming rather close to him but Robin was able to get out the way. There was a guy on the sidewalk at the other end of the street who got wild-eyed and started shouting at Robin. "Hey kid, are you crazy? You could've gotten you-" Robin walked away. The words were coming out of his mouth so slowly that Robin couldn't take it. That part would take some getting used to. At first Robin thought it was kind of cool being faster than the world around him but it was starting to get irritating. Robin was getting really hungry, he would have to find some way to get food. That's when he saw somewhere familiar, McDonalds. Robin jaywalked across the street again and into the restaurant. There were three people in front of him but to Robin it took about half an hour for all them to get done ordering. He didn't even wait for the kid at the counter to ask him what he wanted. "I will take a big mac with a large fry and coke. To go please.", said Robin. The cashier looked at him bewildered, "Woah dude, slow down. What was that?" Robin realized this was the first person he'd talked to since he'd arrived in the 21st century. He hadn't even consider that other people would hear him talking at hundred miles an hour. He tried again, slower this time. He felt like he was trying to talk to a mentally handicapped child. The teen understood Robin this time and got him his order. That's when Robin realized he didn't have any cash. He'd left his wallet back in his room. He had feeling that "I left my wallet 40 years in the past" would be a bad excuse. But Robin was hungry to the point of light-headedness. Acting on instinct he grabbed the bag of food and ran out. He was halfway down the street when he looked back and saw the cashier just getting out of the door. Wow, life was going to be easy for Robin. He ran for a while longer until he felt he was a safe distance away. At one point he ran by a woman in skirt and the force of the wind he was creating blew it upwards. He looked back and stared, it took a while for the skirt to go back down so he got a good view. He ducked into an alley and sat down along the wall of an apartment building to eat his meal. The Big Mac had gotten smaller than they were in his day. But it still enough to fill him up. Not long after he finished he passed out asleep. He awoke a little while later, he felt like he had slept a good 7-8 hours but it was still just the late afternoon. This whole thing was going to take some getting used to. Robin took a sip of the water that was left in his cup, threw the garbage on the ground and walked off.