[center][b]Banshee Aeternus || Nexus Town Center Affected Players: Moon234[/b][/center] Banshee had been loitering around the town square all day in utter disgust with herself for her humiliating folly. She could have been off on her own blowing through quests while these chaotic noobs played their silly festival games, but instead she was stuck in the position of finding someone's leg to hang onto while they took all the glory instead. Atrocious! She couldn't bring herself to do it, at least not so immediately. As the day wore by though, so did her obstinance. She'd decided on a new plan of action now, one that would indirectly land her with a party that she could slip into without much embarrassment. All she needed was to pick out another support type to follow. These chipper symbiotes seemed to have the knack for latching onto others that she did not. It made more sense to befriend one person who could befriend many others for her than to try and put together a party on her own. And she had her eye on just the right target. The username Moon234 zipped around the square as a young blonde checked in at each available booth. While she could tell by his garb that he wasn't one of the more support-focused types, she could also tell by his age and apparent naivety that he would be susceptible to influence and easily lead her toward stronger allies. Just as he appeared to be leaving from the area, she quickly stepped up and caught him by the shoulder. With a forced saccharine grin, she tried to appear 'pleasant' by complimenting him. [b]"That sure was some fine shooting,"[/b] she lied. [i]'Would it work?'[/i] she thought. --- [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/GHSlAeA.png[/IMG] [b]HP:[/b] 100% [b]SP:[/b] 100 [b]Level:[/b] 1 [b]Inventory[/b] Potion x4 Gold x10