"Raphael Hale" William repeated the name to himself and then again and then once more but more so as if he was muttering. Something was wrong here and yet he couldn't quite figure it out, but then it hit him. Hit him like lightning hit the earth. Raphael Hale was supposed to be a male with abnormally long hair, yet he sounded very much like a girl to William. But what was that he detected? No, no no. It couldn't be [i]that[/i]. He had to be hearing things. Did Raphael really just ask him something in that tone? In such a demanding tone like he was the boss? "You will not find your brother, Raphael." His voice echoed throughout the house and suddenly the piano playing stopped and only the gregorian chant could be heard. "Come to me...You can bring your bow as well" he ordered as he stood up from the piano and began his stroll to the door. It was rare that William felt he had to give very direct orders, but Raphael seemed rather unconditioned and less tame. "Where are you from?" William had to ask, he couldn't quite remember where he was told the young man was from. Someone had clearly gotten one over on him, but who was a mystery right now. Who, was unimportant. William walked to the bottom of the stairs as he waited for the young girl to come down them, having heard her run up to the book-room, and that is where her voice was coming from.