Heya everyone, heard there may have been some spots and got my butt right quick over with a Baklava approved Char. Name: Nil Age: 17 Race: Round-eared Hylian Gender: Male [url=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs30/i/2008/118/5/d/Kazuki___design_by_Desedero.jpg]Appearance:[/url] Nil is of a medium build with an average height of 5’ 9.5’’, his hair is the color of the calm blue sky and his eyes are the color of the setting sun, amber. His skin is somewhat tanned from spending so much time outside but is for the most part covered by regular pants and a hooded vest that seems like it may have been too small for Nil had it not been resized many times and had two cuts placed at the shoulder on both arms. Theme Song:[youtube]a6EOW2A6z6I[/youtube] Personality: Kind, Caring, Stubborn, Coward, Confidence issues, Calm. Backstory: Nil had been born to a mother and father who, were from what he remembered before they died, loving and caring people. After they had died when he was 8 the village that he grew up in, located northwest of Lon Lon Ranch, began to see him as a nuisance despite the fact that He tried to be helpful to everyone when he could, and although they were bitter towards him they never let him starve or sleep in the cold. It was when he was 15 that the village began to receive very sparse rumors about Ganondorf coming back. Hearing this the village elders began made a decision that Nil learned of on his 17th birthday and that was to send him out as the hero of the village to seek out answers and if he encountered evil to vanquish it. It was ridiculous and Nil was all ready to argue against it and the fake excited faces that the townspeople wore, two birds with one stone send someone out to collect information and get rid of the freeloader but he stopped when a little girl he’d known since she’d been born bore genuine hope on her face. He couldn’t bear to destroy such hope and so he left without a word. He spent months on the road learning what he could, and none of it was either good nor definitive. Some said that nothing was wrong while others said that Ganondorf was free and rampaging across the world. Then Nil began to hear the whisper. He ignored it for the first few nights chalking it up to the wind playing tricks but after those few nights began to yell at it to leave him alone, a week gone by and he was arguing with it to leave him be, that he wasn’t a hero and the only thing that depended on him was himself. After the second week he just gave up and began to travel towards Kakariko for the festival hoping that simply going there would make the whisper go away. Skills/Talents: 1.Blinking (MS): Quick short ranged (~25 Feet) light based teleportation of himself or others/objects. Nil must be touching in order to Blink something else and the larger something is the shorter the distance that Nil can blink it. He is also capable of controlling orientation when blinking and can blink onto the other side of a wall though that has its dangers of not quite teleporting correctly and ending up inside the wall. 2.Drawing (PS): A large part of Nils spare time is devoted to drawing which he loves and cherishes. He likes most of all to draw scenery from an open field at sunset or a town on a normal day. As such he has managed to be able to quickly memorize what he sees and it has become almost like breathing to memorize what he sees so he can draw it later. 3.Hiding (SS): Nil has, in his travels, managed to learn to hide very well from those who would harm him. This is made easier with being able to Blink as he can get to a hiding spot that his pursuers wouldn’t think to look. 4. Short spear (FS): Fighting with a short spear is about all Nil knows when it comes to fighting he’s fairly adept at wielding his short spear but rarely has a chance to use it. That’s not to say that he doesn’t practice with it as doing so put him at ease for some reason. 5. Dodge ‘n Run (FS/SS): When hiding doesn’t work there is always the more direct approach of just getting the heck outta dodge and run like the wind. 6. Hunting (SS): Nil has never been the best hunter and never will. However most animals don’t expect a human to suddenly appear beside them with a spear driving into their gut, so Nil doesn’t starve. 7. First aid (SS): Running from people leaves one not only weary but usually covered in injuries. Nil has gotten okay at patching himself up enough to run again without being hindered by his injuries for the most part. Goal(s): To find a village or town where no one is trying to make him out to be some sort of hero that he isn’t or maybe even return to his own village to live out a peaceful life. Inventory: 1 Short spear 1 Pad of drawing paper 1 Set of drawing pencils enough dried jerky to last till the end of the week. 1 canteen of water Wallet: 1 rupee