[center][b]Banshee Aeternus || Nexus Town Center Affected Players: Moon234[/b][/center] The glint of the gold glittered in Banshee's eyes like a miracle come true! She withdrew her excitement before it could escape her, however. She hadn't been able to scrape up a single piece of gold beyond her starting amount since she had joined, but she wasn't about to admit that. [i]'What a cheeky little twerp,'[/i] she thought, misinterpreting his earnestness as him looking down on her. [b]"Hah! Thanks, but no thanks. I've got piles of my own already,"[/b] she lied again. [b]"I was so busy collecting it that I didn't bother to play any games. Time is short when you're rich and powerful like me!"[/b] She put her thumb to her chest triumphantly and grinned. Bluffing was her forte, even back in the real world. It felt like all she ever did was lie. The more she lied, the more she could believe in those lies herself, and the more she could forget the harsh truths. She shooed his offering away with a wave of her hand, painful as it was to pass up, and decided to focus on the more important matter at hand. [b]"I've got a few teams vying for my attention, but honestly they've been boring me. I'm looking for a fresh group to work with, would you happen to know anyone? I'm sure with the skill you displayed back there that you must be in the company of some other well-off folks like myself."[/b] Normally Banshee would be a bit more cautious with her bluffs, but fooling a kid seemed just so easy to her. --- [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/GHSlAeA.png[/IMG] [b]HP:[/b] 100% [b]SP:[/b] 100 [b]Level:[/b] 1 [b]Inventory[/b] Potion x4 Gold x10