Username: Daemyn Sterk Character Name: Fane Asher Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: Natural curly red-orange hair that hangs below his ears, and no matter how much he brushes it, it always seems to pop back up into a big mess. Tallish, around 5'9 and is lanky and tall with a short waist and long legs. Lanky and has long arms. Fair skin with a few splotches of acne. (Sorry I couldn't find a picture) Personality: Extremely fun loving and adventurous, Fane always loves doing new things, which usually tend to be quite dangerous and reckless. He craves attention, and sometimes goes a bit too far when trying to capture the spotlight. Open and often overbearing, Fane often gets clingy to his friends. Open-minded and optimistic about every aspect of the world. He loves to explore, often in places that he's not supposed to be in. Pranks are fun for Fane too, as long as they're just for the laughs. Or if it's too someone that he particularly dislikes. Fane is subject to his emotions and sometimes can act on them rather than thinking logically. Fane can be submissive and a push-over, and sensitive at times too, taking some jokes to heart rather than throwing them off. He's kind and nice to most people, and he's not a liar. Fane likes to know that people are happy, and will often try to make them so. He hates trickery and fair-play is something that he believes in. Loves to use his imagination and be creative. Sometimes Fane may unknowingly spout out things that may offend others around him. Fane has a lonely side that he doesn't show much, but is a reason why he longs for attention. Inside, Fane is self-conscious and often doubts himself, and has trouble believing that he's good enough. Uncertain. House: Wisteria Bio: Fane is a half-blood, his mother dying in childbirth he was left with his father, the wizard. After his wife's death, Fane's father was a wreck, taking to drinking. He blamed Fane for his mother's death, and was disgusted by the boy. This resulted in him being an abusive father, yelling at the boy for even small mistakes and often striking Fane, or using magic to hurt him. There were times when he even resorted to the crucio curse to force the boy into obeying. Needless to say, his home life wasn't the best. Instead of letting the abuse make him into a bitter person like his father, Fane kept an optimistic composure and kept himself going. He still dreads going back to his father during breaks, but is able to live with it. Skills: Strengths -Great on a broomstick -Hard working and resolute. Once he's set on a course, he's dead set and there's not much that can deter him -Brave and bold -Innovative and creative, good at finding alternative ways to solve problems -Open minded and adventurous, he has no problem dropping out of his comfort zone and trying something new. Adaptable, you could say -Optimism in bad situations can result in him not giving up on situations that may seem hopeless Weaknesses -Clumsy on his feet -Trouble following procedures and directions -Reckless -Low natural ability when it comes to magic -Subject to his emotions rather than logic -Overwhelmed by small things and not good at handling stress -Sometimes he can be a bit too adventurous and curious, snooping around in affairs that don't concern him -Naive, and often trusts without a second glance -Often doubts himself and can hesitate when making decisions Classes: The normal Potions, Herbology, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, History of Magic, Astronomy, Charms. Has Care of Magical Creatures as an elective, and art. Wand: [hider=Fane's wand]Whippy wand made with vine, 10 1/2 inches with griffin tailhair core [img=][/hider]