[center][b]Alessia[/b][/center] [center][b]Aeternus || Nexus[/b][/center] [center][b]Lantern Festival[/b][/center] [center][b]Affected Players: Ares[/b][/center] Alessia could only raise her eyebrow at the events which unfolded before her. The sudden arrival of the girl who seemed more than upset followed by the two gentlemen who seemed to be involved in a relationship was something which took her a moment to adjust too. It seemed her proximity was crowding the more she remained, causing her to wonder if she should move away for whatever it was these two clearly needed to talk about. Before she could think about it more though her attention was brought back to the mysterious man as he introduced himself before offering an invitation to join him with his friends. Perhaps it was apart of what he meant when he mentioned strength in numbers, or maybe she was reading into everything a bit too much. She didn't answer straight away, deciding to instead take some time to consider it as she watched him and his friends move away. Alessia tilted her sword slightly, looking at her own reflection. Maybe there was something she could do after all. [i]Some time latter... [/i] Alessia ran a hand through her silky dark hair, the fibers appearing to trap light and embrace it which caused it to softly shine against the moonlight. She'd spent a long while considering her options, what she was capable of and what she might be able to do with the rest of her life before Ares latter returned to her, much to her own surprise considering his words to his friends the last time she saw him. As he spoke she gave a small smile before replying, "A walk sounds lovely" she said before she stood up from the bench, her hand reaching out to grab the large sword which rested up against the bench. She effortlessly spun the blade around her wrist, causing it to spin around to a position where she could re-equip it to her back before sliding it down into position. She turned towards Ares before holding out her hand, "My name is Alessia, and... I'm interested in your offer" she said as she held his eye contact to convey the seriousness in her words.