It was often Rurian found himself out of bed before the sun was up and back in bed after it went back down, but on this particular day he had slept right through the morning and most likely would have slept the rest of the day away had a bird not tried to detach the tip of his feline tail. While he normally would have been thankful for such a wake up call, he didn't find enjoyment in being lazy and sleeping about as most felines did, but after the previous evening a bit more sleep would have been divine. How often was it that one of the town herbalists mistakenly ate a plant that made them sick? Not very often, that was for sure. Rurian grumbled loudly as he lightly rubbed the end of his tail between his forefinger and thumb, smearing blood into the soft sandy colored fur that covered the tip of his tail. A frown slowly forms on his features as realization slowly started to hit him, mainly about what he had not gotten to do today and what all he had missed! Another groan escapes Rurian as he turns his gaze downwards, towards the ground. He was still high up in the bright red leafed tree he called home. With a light push he slips easily off of the branch, landing several feet bellow with a nearly silent thud. Slowly he starts to make his way towards the town, still fiddling with the tip of his tail while he walked. Not only had he missed his class today, he hadn't even been able to make his rounds as he usually did. A twinge of disappointment hit him, he wished the bird had tried to get his tail sooner.