Well, here's what I've got. I'll finish the bio when I wake up. You know, a good bit of these characters are pretty jovial and good natured. I have a good feeling about this. [hider=spoiler] Username: Memories of Conquest Character Name: Esther Ayala Age: 58 Gender: Female Appearance: Esther stands at an unimpressive 4'8" and has a fairly average frame that leans a bit on the stockier side. Her skin is tanned and remains mostly unmarked. She has thin, graying black hair that she wears in a tight bun. Can be seen wearing heavy coats almost all the time, still being accustomed to warmer climates after all these years. Personality: If one were to observe Esther living her normal life, she'd seem rather laid-back for a professor at such a prestigious school, taking a casual and optimistic approach to most situations and being pleasant to be around. She is good-humored, sweet, and always in the mood for pleasant conversation over a nice plate of pastries (home made, of course). However, when involved in matters regarding her class or official duties she seems to have a complete change of character, suddenly becoming strict and unwilling to tolerate incompetence. She focuses on results and encourages others to do the same through harsh, but encouraging words. In truth, this is just an act she picked up while teaching at Sweetwater. It's served her well through the years, even if it has earned her a reputation for being a hardass. This hasn't kept her from becoming good friends with some of her students, as most of them (at least, the observant ones) figure out her act after a while. Bio: -- Skills: [b]Strengths[/b] - -Because of the make of her wand, she has an aptitude for casting forceful spells (and, to a certain extent, dark magic), such as the Knockback Jinx. -A natural aptitude for numbers and equations that sometimes borders on obsession. -Years of teaching ungrateful kids at less reputable schools has trained her in the art of not taking shit from other people, especially if they aren't half as old as she is. -A really good cook, especially when it comes to baked goods! [b]Weaknesses[/b] - -A complete lack of subtlety when casting spells. Expect something to get knocked over, at the very least, whenever she casts a spell. Charms are difficult, if not outright impossible, to keep under control. Healing spells are right out. -She is not the most fit person in the world and is physically frail. Just walking up (or down, difficult to tell which direction you're going sometimes) the stairs to her classroom is exhausting. -Does not handle isolation or loneliness well at all. Much more prone to cabin fever and overreacting to solitude. Classes: Arithmancy. Classes are held first thing in the morning and at the end of the day, should there be enough students wanting to take the class. Extra: Her wand is pure hornbeam with a dragon heartstring core. Not something to be handled lightly.[/hider]