seeing a small group take shape in the store and noticing more people hiding as she stood quite Kim did not know what to do, how did so many people all end up in the same place and it seemed things were about to take a bad turn "this is bad...." she did not carry any firearms on her so it was likely she would fall if people started shooting "damn it...I do not want to see these people kill each other.." she slowly stepped out from the area she was watching from her hands held up in the air, she slowly walked in the intersection between the store and the buildings she looked around as if trying to talk to everyone at once "I have seen this scenario enough times to know things are about to get out of hand, you guys in the store and who ever is lurking around the buildings are going to end up killing each other over nothing but fear of the unknown, my name is Kimberly and I am only looking to talk...." she kept her hands in the air slowly turning in a circle talking to the buildings and the store.