[center][b]Wandering Fool[/b][/center] [center][b]Aeternus || Nexus[/b][/center] [center][b]Lunar Festival[/b][/center] [center]Affected Players:[/center]The Imagineer --- Fool stumbled, trying to keep his balance as he looked up, but he wasn’t going to be fast enough to c- something warm and soft collided with him, and a fan broke into his vision, just barely reaching far enough forward to catch the fish. The NPC began his required script but… Imagine leaped back, squeaking and trying to do something to her clothing. Fool glanced over to meet the gaze of the npc, and while the other guy just clamped his hand over his mouth, Fool had a small coughing fit as he hid his smile behind a fist. He had tears in his eyes by the time she had settled, but the redness in her cheeks almost set him off again. Then the npc spoke. [i]Love birds? This is just a thank-you date, isn’t it?[/i] He stole a sideways glance at Imagine, feeling his face redden a bit. [i]It doesn’t feel like one though.[/i] Jeremy accepted the black fish, tapping it to activate it. The quest was completed, and the fish began to grow. “Yeah, it would be nice to avoid burns in the future.” Fool raised a finger and watched the black fish orbit around it, then float around and go under his cloak for a moment before reappearing. “Thanks for inviting me out here…” He scratched the back of his head awkwardly, he wasn’t used to this kind of thing. “I wouldn’t have gone to the festival if you hadn’t pulled me out… so… thanks.” Fool gave Imagine a quick hug and stepped back with a nervous grin. “Hey, what about that one over there?” [i]Better distract her from my awkwardness…[/i] Fool reached out and took her hand, making a path through the crowd until he arrived at the stand he had sighted. From a distance, it was easily visible. A bunch of orbs were put into the air, and people were attempting to shoot them down. Jeremy turned with a wide smile. “This one is on me! Have you ever shot a rifle before?” They were both ranged classes, so their regular eyesight was pretty good for hitting things already, aiming down some sights should be a breeze. “The game is pretty simple, pay to get a rifle, and take down the targets that are put up- I’ll help you if you don’t know how to use one.” Even as he spoke, another contestant stepped up, retrieving the fake rifle and got into a ready position- just as what seemed a veritable swarm of orbs flew upward. He shot rapidly with little regard to aim, but seemed to do just fine anyway. Jeremy wasn’t all that interested in what the prizes were though, just shooting seemed like fun! His face lit up in a boyish grin when he turned to Imagine for her opinion. Suddenly, a notification popped up. After pausing to read it, Fool's face turned serious. "What do you think?" --- [center][url=http://tektek.org/av/885440][img]http://imageshack.us/a/img829/7347/57sn.png[/img][/url][/center] [b]HP:[/b] 63% [b]SP:[/b] 70 [b]Level:[/b] 4 [b]Inventory:[/b] [i]Gold:[/i] 140 Deck of Cards Dice & Cup x 10 Bread x1 Flint & Steel Whetstone Canteen (Empty) Wood Club Pellet x10