[i]“I know it might be a little much to ask since we just met …but I hope you could do me this favor. People say bad things about him, things I don’t want to believe. Can you just let him know that there are still people he can count on, for me?” [/i] Karela nodded. "Of course Lady Kaede." She said simply as she turned west and jumped from tree to tree and arrived after a few moments of jumping from tree to tree. She thought a bit more about about this person Lady Kaede had spoken of as she continued moving. She knew what it was like to have people say bad things about you, it had happened to her more than a few times due to her personality. Still, it Lady Kaede felt she could trust him, than Karela would do her best to give him the benefit of the doubt. She jumped down from the treetop and landed directly in front of him and held out her hands to show that she wasn't here to make trouble for him. As an afterthought, she also unhooked her bag of shuriken from her jacket and let it hit the ground. "Lady Kaede sent me." She told Katsu and she quickly took a look around and made sure there weren't any incoming solders. The sounds of battle were slowly fading, it sounded as if the solders were either moving away or being forced to retreat. "My name is Karela Yatoma." She said quietly.