Victor had left his leather jacket at the hangout and his black shirt was on barely covering his arms, he was proud of his left arm as it looked rather muscular even compared to his robotic arm which was made to look muscular. He smiled when he saw Millie give a bit of a threat to the bartender, then he about took a swing at some drunken buffoon crashed into Angel, but she beat him to it, that was why she was the leader, the guy went down pretty easily. He laughed a bit and followed Angel to a table and sat across from her sipping his Early Riser, a drink consisting of Vodka, Redbull and coke. He loved these, they had both alcohol and his two favorite non alcoholic beverages which combined for a beautiful flavor. He was watching the door, he figured that someone would walk in that he would know. He saw his a member of the Lost Ones, a kid, he didnt know his name but he knew he was one of them. He tensed up and sat up straight watching the kid intensely as he sat at an empty table, Victor switched his drink to his left hand to ensure he didnt shatter the cup by accident. He reached across the table and tapped it with his metal fingers just in front of Angel, he made sure he got her attention then spoke. "Lost Ones are showing up," He said seriously, "Maybe the guy Deon's about to pound to the dirt is one of em, they dont typically show up here. I wont make a move unless you okay it, but if you okay know those fucks are gonna shed blood." He took a larger drink of his Early Riser the ice pressing against his lips, he still had his pistol tucked under his shirt, his knife in his pocket, and his mind set on kicking ass.