Attuned could now see them. Two men and a woman talking in the convenience store. She sighed, keeping her bow string taut. Sneaking along the back way she picked her footing carefully, careful to keep from stepping on any glass or anything that would make noise. It helped that she was barefoot. Shoes made too much noise. Creeping closer she was now behind the first man. With the other man and woman off to the side, a shelf in between her and them. Aiming her arrow at the back of his head she spoke. "You know, if you were trying to be stealthy, you're doing a piss poor job of it." Her mouth twitched slightly. She was amused. She assumed that the man was friendly as she had heard him say earlier, but she kept her arrow trained on him just in case. "Tell me... What exactly are y'all doing here?" Her voice was light so as not to set them all off. If they were to fight her she wasn't sure she wouldn't get hurt. But she knew she could at least hold her own.