[center][b][u]Sir Valentine[/u][/center][/b] [center][b][u]Aeternus II Nexus [/u][/center][/b] [center][b][u]Town Square[/center][/b] [center][b]Affected Players: Lilith[/center][/b][/u] [b]S.V. was getting out of the dressing room when he saw Lilith leave. He didn't feel like going after her, so he just went to go play in the festival, to get his mind off of her for some time. He went to the wolf race, S.V. loved racing, it gave him a rush, he loved anything that was fast and quick. He had pick the best[/b] [hider=Wolf][IMG]http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q691/Justin_J-Black_Jones/Anime-wolfs-anime-wolves-7226583-900-678_zps65392d39.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [b]that he thought would kill the competition. The wolf looked vicious, but S.V. was great with all types of animals, it was something that came natural to him, he loved all creatures, except the ones that attack him, and the people he loves. At first the wolf was cautious of S.V. It had looked like it had been through a lot, and S.V. did not want to give it a reason to not trust him. So S.V. gave him a cookie, and the wolf had calm down. S.V. got ready to race whoever wanted to race him. This wolf was a champ, and S.V. was a champ. They were going to get the grand prize, it was going to be a race for the history books. If this game even had history books[/b] [b][center]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/center][/b] [center][url=http://tektek.org/av/898731][img]http://imageshack.us/a/img841/5986/2f99.png[/img][/url] [b] HP: 100 SP: 130 Level 3(0.00%) Inventory HP & SP Potions: x8 Red Ginger Snap Cookies: x13 Gold: x100[/center][/b] [b][center]Sir Valentine Moves-Blade Dancer [u]Melee[/u] -Massacre Tornado: Blade Dancer slashes around with his twin blades attacking all enemies in his way in a giant cyclone, of blade whips [u]Magic[/u] Petal To The Metal: Blade Dancer uses his twin blades to shoot metal roses out of them and slice his foes. [20sp] Pump It Up: Blade Dancer does a spiritual dance that recharges his allies sp by 50 points, (the cool down for the move is 3 mins)[50sp] -Dance Of Illusion: Blade Dancer Uses his dance move to confused his foes and let his team attack the foe without getting hurt.(Puts a confused debuff on foes).[40sp][/center][/b] [center][b][u]Enemies[/u] [/b][/center] [center][b][u]Maximellio[/u][/center][/b] [center][b][u]Aeternus II Nexus [/u][/center][/b] [center][b][u]Town Square[/center][/b] [center][b]Affected Players: N/A[/center][/b][/u] [b]After running into an alley, Maximellio checked to make sure the kid wasn't following him. He started to laugh, he loved doing evil things, it was fun for him. But now Maximellio was bored, he thought maybe he should give the festival a chance. He went over to the "Hit The Blue Orb " booth. The guy at the stand tried to give him the gun to hit the orbs, but Maximellio used his bow and arrows to shoot down 8 orbs. [i]"Where's my prize?"[/i] The guy at the booth, wanted to tell Maximellio that he wasn't allowed to use his own weapon to shoot the orbs, but he was too scared, so he just handed Maximellio the bracelet. [i]What the... a bracelet![/i] Maximellio jumped on top of the booth yelling now. [i]"What kind of weak prize is this, you better give me something better then this, before I shoot your heart out."[/i] Maximellio, knew that he couldn't kill the guy in the town, but he could scare him into giving him a better prize. Maximellio was good at intimidating people, in real life and in the game. The guy started to shake, not knowing what to do, with Maximellio standing over him with his bow and arrow ready.[/b] [b][center]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/center][/b] [center][url=http://tektek.org/av/907129][img]http://imageshack.us/a/img829/6631/73u6.png[/img][/url] [b] HP: 100 SP: 110 Level 2(0.00%) Inventory HP & SP Potions: x10 Arrows: x41 Gold: x65[/center][/b] [hider= Jars Of Powders & Liquids] [b]Alchemy Lv1[/b] [b]Burning Powders: x2 Jars Stunning Liquids: x2 Jars Debuffing Powders(DEF -20%): x2 Jars[/b][/hider] [b][center] Maximellio's Moves- The Cheshire Shooter [u]Melee[/u] Pick One Anyone!- Depending on the type of liquid or powder The Cheshire Shooter uses on his arrows, it can cause double damage, double the percentage of healing, or a longer buff or debuff status on a foe or ally. The Hairball Idea- Being the humorous fellow The Cheshire is, they player can cough up a hairball, and shoot an arrow with the hairball on it. The hairball attaches to the foe and confuses them. [u]Magic[/u] Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall- The Cheshire Shooter using sp can clone themseves once, when the clone is hit it will, damage the person who attacked them (But is also takes the user's hp down by 5%). [30sp] How Are You Feline?- The Cheshire Shooter can use the curse on his body to turn into a cat, for when they are in a dangerous situation, but the bad thing about it is they will be stuck that way for 10mins, and they won't be able to use any skills or potions.[10sp][/center][/b] [center][b][u]Enemies[/u] N/A[/b][/center]