The change of what she was hearing was starting to irritate her. Being unnerved all the time is not something she is willing to do. She had to bite to her tongue at the answer she should have known, while It surprised her that he somehow knew about the bow she was holding. Walking down the stairs she stopped when she noticed that he was waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs. Raphael knew that whatever she gave for a answer to his question, that there will be consequences. "I'm...I'm from anywhere I could find myself in the forest when I wonder around. Well, I was actually born in the forest with my twin." If her brother ever heard that she was talking to a vampire, he would read her the riot act. The muscles in her legs tensed up, ready to let her jump over the rail in case the vampire in front of her jumps at her. Instincts was something that kept her alive in wild place like the forest, but it worried her that it won't be enough. It will won't be enough if it will just be conditioned out of her after some time. "And why won't I find my brother? Do I have the right to know if he's even alive or not?"