Katsu reached for the hilt of his sabre when he heard the rustling of the leaves but stopped his hand when his index finger touched it. "Lady Kaede sent me," the figure that had emerged said. It was a girl around his age with her hands held up defensively. He lowered his hand and smiled apologetically. "Lady Kaede?" [i]The Byakugan... I guess she saw a fellow shinobi in trouble and decided to send aid. If it was anyone else, I'd be suspicious but she's probably telling the truth.[/i] "Well, thank you for coming," he said warmly. "I'm low on chakra so I probably wouldn't be able to survive an ambush alone. I'm glad someone's here with me." He truly did mean those words. It had been quite some time since he was able to feel this satisfying sensation of being near someone who would be there to help you. "My name is Karela Yatoma." It was hard for Katsu to hear the low voice but he was able to discern what she had said. He smiled at her. "Nice to meet you, Karela," he said. "Mine's Katsu Uchiha. I'm looking forward to working with you." He waited for her to lead the way.