"The same question can be asked to all of us... and yet it will remain unanswered. Maybe till next year, maybe for all eternity. All I know, is that I have tried to explain my system to you all, even after you burnt and destroyed this earth, and you won't listen. Killing shall never be justified, even I can say that. But I will continue to do what I have attempted. I killed Sol because he attacked me, attempted to kill me. And now suddenly everyone who has done anything is moral, except me. It's frustrating, more frustrating then any of you will ever know. I have barely destroyed anything, all of you are the destroyers. I have never shattered anything, and until the time comes, my justice is immoral, but eventually that will change. And it'll happen in everyones line of sight. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to overwatch something..." I slid back behind the building, hurdling over the earth away from Manus, and back into my human form.