[i]"Ah. Well, Sotheeth, while I do enjoy knowledge, there are two things you should think about. Well, three things. I have been reincarnated into a human body, not godlike. I can still control flames and the sun, but I can't do anything outside of a humans capabilities, especially since I am currently a human infant. Secondly, you'll have to bring it up with my human...Parents. Reborn from a humans womb to a family, they feel responsible for me. You know, parental instincts, caring for ones own... And finally, I am currently being...I guess I'll call this situation 'being child-napped' as I have been napped, and I am a child. Or, I have been stolen by some fool and I am currently awaiting Justyce to finally do some justice. Or, for an opportunity to burn him to ashes." My telekinetic speech was long, but all of it was true. Especially the fact I wanted to burn my kidnapper to ashes.[/i]