Username: Serinaty Character Name: Kari Cartwrite Age: 27 Gender: Female Appearance: [hider=Kari][img][/img][/hider] Personality: Kari is a genuinely sweet person. She loves to assist students in whatever ways she can, either with their studies or if they just need someone to talk to. She upholds an open door policy to all students whither they be from her house or not. If not in her classroom the teacher can usually be found in the library, as she enjoy's the company of good stories. Kari exudes a sweet and soft aura, but that doesn't mean that she can be walked on. When she is challenged by students, she's quick to put her foot down, and isn't afraid to give out detentions. She has a slight southern belle accent that becomes heavy if she's angered or upset. Bio: Born to Muggle parents in the state of Georgia, Kari grew up feeling...different than the other kids her age. When she received her invitation to Salem Academy she had been a bit overwhelmed...but through the years she found herself more and more feeling like she belonged in this magical world. By 3rd year she was shown to have a particular talent for potion making, and preferred to brew a liquid than use her wand in most cases. By 7th year she had already decided she wanted to become a professor at the school, as the current Potions teacher had failing health, and while the old man was stubborn and considered by some cruel, he'd always had a soft spot for the young brunette. The old man stepped down after Kari gradutated and with permission from the headmaster she began to teach the course. It was strange the first few years as some students still knew her as one them. After a few years of teaching she was offered head of Wisteria and as a former student of it, she was happy to accept. Skills: Strengths: Potions, History of Magic, Herbology Weaknesses: Charms, Divination, Flying Classes: Potions, for 5th years they have the option of one class which is taught in the mid morning, (after one class, but before another) or a class taught directly after lunch. ((if i can't have the head of Wisteria I'll edit my post))