Minato looked around the fighting club, looking at the girl besides him at the railing, a fair distance away. She looked nicer than usual, dressed like she was.. richer. She didn't look too rich, so she wasn't one of those rich girls trying to defy and rebel against her parents, only to end up drugged and naked in some alleyway. Minato witnessed something like that once, it was terrible. Girl didn't even know she was naked. Walked around like nobodies bussiness. Minato thought about going to talk to her but noticed someone new was in the bar area, which was quiet as usual. Only a handful was around. The bartender was talking to a new girl. There sure were a lot of girls here suddenly.. Minato looked around the hall quickly to see if there was maybe a divided area for men and women at the bars, but there wasn't. Suddenly the bartender's eye's widened up, and he moved very quickly to get her the stuff she wanted. It was so obvious it almost hurt. [i]“That's a confirmed wolf right there,”[/i] he mumbled to himself. Once more he heard some sounds that were not too uncommon here in this fighting hall, but they sounded closer. Just as he looked over, a girl jabbed a guy in the face. She did some slutty hand movements, like putting them at her face and doing the schoolgirl move. Classic. Then she sat down somewhere, a gorilla with a metal arm following her and sitting down as well. He squinted his eyes and remembered a joke Nagami once told him. Something about ''Asians'' and ''squinting not being required.'' Nevermind the racist undertone there, Nagami. He softly laughed as he tried to listen in on the gorilla and the slut. Someone with a metal arm was definetely gonna stand out like a rose in a field of weeds. Well, judging from his appearance, it was more like a weed amongst roses. [i]"Lost Ones .. showing up,"[/i] Yeah, yeah. We are definetely showing up. Get to the juicy stuff mister Gorilla, Minato thought to himself. [i]".. the guy Deon's .. the dirt is one of em .. don't ... here. I won't make a move .. shed blood."[/i] Shame that Minato didn't hear much more, but it was pretty obvious to Minato that these guys were involved somehow in this guys fight. Wait.. Deon? He was fighting a Lost One? Minato didn't know that, that would definetely be interesting to watch. After all, if you are Lost you don't really have anything to lose. Therefore, going up against a supposedly undefeated cage fighter was not something to be scared off. If you have nothing to lose, you can only win. Minato followed the eyes of mister Gorilla man to a boy that was sitting somewhat alone up here at the bar, a table all by himself. It was just a kid, though, why would they think he's a Lost One? Well, he was probably right, the Lost Ones weren't discriminate about who they accepted into their family.. crew.. tribe? Whatever they'd call themselves, Minato would roll with it. He stepped off of the railing, eyed the girl on the other side once more and checked her clothes again before walking to the boy sitting by himself. Minato grabbed the half broken chair and pulled it back, setting himself down on it. “Hey there. Are you lost or something?” Seemed like a strange question, but it was Minato's way to try and decipher if he was actually lost, or part of the Lost Ones. The proper response to this would probably be something among the lines of ''aren't we all Lost'' or some other philosophical bull like ''Lost but not Alone.'' When he asked this he tilted his head a bit and smiled at the boy, giving him a somewhat friendly appearance. Either that or the kid would be weirded out by Minato. Despite the answer Minato'd get, he would continue talking to the boy. “The fighter, Deon I think he is called. What can you tell me about him? I heard he's good, I should maybe bet on him.” That would maybe be a good idea, but he had no money. And if he did, he'd be making money off of the back of a rival. That would be something Minato could brag about to D.J. “Oh, by the way, I think those two..” he said and turned around, pointing at Gorilla and Slutty Girl quite obviously and out in the open, “.. might be watching you. And probably me now. Don't know why you are here, don't really care, just be careful, cause I think that people like that don't care for your age, your money or anything else. Just a friendly heads up, okay?” He'd smile at the boy again, tilt his head a bit and then proceed to walk away down the stairs towards the actual stage area unless the boy would stop him, or possibly walk with him.