[center][b]Ares Aeternus || Nexus Lantern Festival Affected Players: Alessia, Moon234, Banshee, Daedalus [/b][/center] “Ares,” the Dark Knight murmured as he returned her handshake with a firm grip of his own, showing her his resolution. “I’ll cut to the point; you strike me as someone who can maintain a leveled head.” Ares guided the Imperial Knight, Alessia deeper into the festival. The male strode with his head looking forward reminiscent of a proud and coldblooded general – he was discussing war plans, this was Ares’ element. “I need someone who isn’t unstable, emotionally fragile or blinded by [i]love[/i] to serve a very specific purpose – to provide personal cover and be willing to jump into the thickest of battle by my side.” He was implicitly asking the Imperial Knight to serve as his body guard. The class made her perfect for the role. “Fortune, my dear boy, would you care for a little story?” The sound of a raspy voice broke their conversation. A pale and bony finger pointed straight at Ares. It belonged to a hunched old lady with greying hair and an unnecessarily elongated nose. Without realizing it, Ares had guided Alessia well into the game booths; this one seemed particularly eerie. “What do you want, old hag?” He asked, well within conversation range but at a short distance away from the booth. “Just a minute of your [i]time[/i]…” She said rather cunningly. The male with the hazelnut fauxhawk said nothing but gestured for the old woman to speak. The old woman held both hands over a large crystal ball and made menacing gestures. “I see a dark prince, he’s become trapped in hate and he thirsts for vengeance, he seeks the [i]unknown[/i] of the dark waters; a brutal battle painted in blood ensues with only one standing; the dark prince becomes a [i]secret[/i]; he never sees himself become the God of War; he drops an [i]emerald[/i] and his [i]Soul[/i]…” A single droplet of cold sweat drifted down Hunter’s left temple. “But don’t mind me, dearie, I’m just an [i]old hag[/i]. Hahahaha…” His eyes narrowed and became detached, his fists tightened and his mind went numb. But then, off his periphery, he noticed a familiar face – Moon. As fast as his gaze shifted from the old woman to Moon and back to the old woman, she was gone. The booth was still there but there was no one attending it. Ares shook his head trying to remove the bizarre encounter from his mind before he was plagued with her words. He turned to Alessia, dismissing the conversation as a simple happenstance. “There’s someone I’d like you to meet,” he said and headed off in Moon’s direction. “Hey kid, glad to see you made it back alive; I don’t suppose your friends brought you here? They seemed preoccupied. If I would’ve known, I’d brought you back with me.” Ares noticed a female with dark hair and red bangs standing next to the boy. He regarded her with a nod before introducing Alessia. “This is Alessia.” At that moment, Ares heard murmurs behind a game booth. He chose to say nothing but kept an open ear, the sounds made him uneasy. Ally or foe, he thought. His actions had been turning heads, the good and the bad kind. He’d expected his name in the Black Market’s Hit List soon with a bounty on his head. --- [url=http://tektek.org/av/943217][img]http://imagizer.imageshack.com/img902/9577/9b8be6.png[/img][/url] Hellion Knights Guild Master [b]Level:[/b] 5 HP: 100% SP: 120 [b]Inventory[/b] Gold x202 Wolf Pelt x2 Wolf Fang Wood Club x2 Raptor Claw Marble Beak [hider=Ares' Hit List] - - - [/hider] [hider=Ares' Playlist] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQBNH3UFEC0]Stupify[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8-sMJZTYf0]Bodies[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0M5D5OA-d4]You're Going Down[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btiK4aXrK20]Drop the World[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSF2i0rU_Q8]Indestructible[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAO1l6juL8w]Wrecked[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cH_kNJvsoaA]Guardians at the Gate[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6W0fyl_0Ng]Till I Collapse[/url] [/hider]