Soulless Looked around (he had taken to calling himself that becausing he was not death not atm) He trudged Through the forest marsh His eyes Gazing up at the Skie. As he neared The landing spot of one of the glowing Balls of Light. he felt a strange rush on uneasiness He did not know what it was or is that was in there that caused him Death To lose all its power. Standing their where Creatures that where slimier to elf's yet there features where not so fair. he muttered a Curse under his breath as his Scythe at least what was left of it appeared in his hand. He held it in his hand as he walked into Clearing Facing one of the strange Creatures. nothing was out of deaths knowledge in this realm but theses creatures where a mystery to him. His eyes Glanced on one that seemed to be Male. whom he heard say "What the" Soulless moved closer. His scythe raised ready to inflict and fatal blow when necessary. soon he was standing about 10 metres From the Creature when he spoke up "What Are you Beast are you a Changling or a Shapeshifter"