[b]Username:[/b] Betelgeuse [b]Character Name:[/b] Barnabas Maximilian Alman; Professor Alman to students, Barney to fellow staff and often called The Bulldozer playfully behind his back [b]Age:[/b] 69 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at just 4'11" with a wild ring of curly black hair atop his head, Professor Alman isn't an intimidating man to see. He usually wears a muggle business clothes beneath a subtle black or gray set of wizarding robes. He'll often wear a wizard hat for feasts and special events, but is far from shy about displaying his bald head. [hider=Barney] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/fGFKxcC.jpg[/IMG] [/hider] [hider=Wand] Eight Inches, Birch, Phoenix Feather, Sturdy [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/262/c/d/handmade_wand_hc_788r_by_praeclaruswands-d5qepht.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Blunt, sarcastic and often cool under great amounts of stress. He's not a man that shows any form of anxiety and is commonly mistaken for being in a bad mood when he's actually quite complacent. Most witches and wizards learn over the years that Barnabas's nonchalant and gruff demeanor is just a thick layer over a genuinely understanding old man that had more paternal instinct than he'd like to admit. While an Auror, Barney gained the nickname of 'The Bulldozer', partly due to his muggle born heritage and his terrifying demeanor when rarely angered. [b]Bio:[/b] -Born to a pair of muggles who were part of the American Navy following the end of World War II. Young Barnabas spent the years moving from base to base throughout the world before finally returning to New York City for a brief period of time. -Weird events had been taking place around Barney for years, which Alma and Luke often brushed aside as strange circumstances in different parts of the world with their inconsistent schedule. He eventually received his letter to Salem and spent years excelling in a world that he had never known about before. -After school, Barney worked for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement as an Auror through the 1970's. Gaining ranks and awards over time, he progressed to the director of departments and even spent a stretch of time defending New Orleans from a brief bout of Inferi attacks from an ancient curse. -Wounded in the field of duty by a dark witch that he never caught, Barney's leg led to several years of the quiet life behind a desk as the Head of the entire department before his ultimate retirement. After a short hiatus. Barney decided that, having never had any children and a widower, the retired life did not agree with him and he took up a position at Salem, intending to work until the day he dies. -Awards: Order of Merlin, First Class, and Grand Sorcerer to the city of New Orleans; former Lieutenant Mugwump of the Eastern Coast Confederation of Wizards, former Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement for three years before being urged into retirement. [b]Skills:[/b] -Strengths: Deep well of knowledge in all forms of combating Dark Magic from his years of experience. Even for his size, his spells pack a punch, although he doesn't cast as much magic as one might think. He has a strong intuition and usually goes off of his basic gut instincts. Quick thinking on his feet and creative with his outlook on problems, it's easy to see why he made it to the position of Deputy Headmaster. -Weaknesses: Virtually unable to cook or brew potions, possibly due to his stubby fingers and their lack of dexterity. He can't run or do much more than hobble with his cane and can't use his leg without it. Physically weak and he was diagnosed with a weak heart, attributed to years of being hit with hexes and not seeking the proper medical attention. [b]Class:[/b] Defense Against the Dark Arts, Head of Gladium and Deputy Headmaster -Barnabas has O.W.L. level courses on Monday mornings and Friday evenings before dinner. He likes to open and close the week with a great deal of work for his students. When they pass through the doorway into his classroom, no student is physically safe from being thrown head first into defending themselves for their life.