[center] [img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/158/6/4/nastya_kumarova_by_saart-d60fafs.jpg[/img] Ra'avi would be very fair skinned, purple eyes and little. Being only about 3'10" tall. Her breed typically smelled very beach-like. Name: Ra'avi. Gender: Female Age: 900. (Rather young for an elf of her sort.) Race: Elf (Elf warrior of the light.) Weapons: She carries a simple crystalized butterfly knife. Powers/magic: Her powers was lost during earlier battle against darkness. However if she regains enough strength she it can return (But will be weaker than once before.) She used to carry the powers of light; light, sun, warmth, happiness. Bio: Ra'avi, also known are Ravi by most people is the daughter of a powerful daylight warrior. Her father resigned due to a tragedy that took away his and Ra'avis powers. But due to Ra'avi carrying a powerful crystal she's able to get her powers back overtime. Her father wasn't as lucky. They currenly live in a little hut on top of a field with the view of the mountains surrounding a little town. Ra'avi is known to be clumsy, naive, quirky, curious, easily scared but also trusts easily which is a common thing among daylight elves. She also have a habit of falling in love/ having crushes on everything, anyone no matter what. This is due to a failed potion she tested years ago. Most crushes fades quickly. [/center]