[center][b]Alessia[/b][/center] [center][b]Aeternus || Nexus[/b][/center] [center][b]Lantern Festival[/b][/center] [center][b]Affected Players: Ares, Moon234[/b][/center] Two things crossed her mind at his request, the first being of what this man had to have done in order to need a bodyguard to pay attention to the twitches in his shadows. The second was why he would ask her of all people. Alessia's expression gave off no hints as to what she thought as Ares spoke, simply facing forwards as her ears listened to his words. Her gait was confident and carried her with an air of grace as she strode beside him. What he asked of her was a great deal and to essentially commit her life to the protection of his own. Considering she was also a stranger to him she had to admire his confidence on the subject. The dark haired women exhaled her breath before she was about to reply, though just at that moment it seemed they had stumbled upon a festival game. She observed the exchange, raising her eyebrow as the virtual hag gave Ares some kind of cryptic message of which she didn't really understand. But she simply placed it aside as Ares seemed to disregard it before motioning to a player he apparently knew. Alessia remained silent as they spoke and inclined her head respectfully as she was introduced before an eye flickered to Ares, wondering if he had noticed what she had the entire time that he had been talking to her. As it was said, Alessia was very observant, and the attention that had been laid upon them had not gone unnoticed by the Imperial Knight. She would give Ares a look, the kind which would let him know she was aware of it before she looked back to his friends, deciding it was better to play the situation as if they were blissfully unaware... for now. "It's nice to meet you" she said before motioning to Ares, "Your friend here has just hired me as his personal bodyguard, so I suspect we'll be seeing more of each other" she said with a small smile, maintaining her soft and calm tone of voice.