Kithra She heard what Thane Hoever, had said but chose not to say anything. He was welcome to think or say what ever he liked, she wasn't going to stop him. Yes, his words hurt, but she wasn't about to pick a fight with him. After all he was of pure back ground and most other pure magic blood were some how related to his family. Just then Cassiopeia Dubrinski stepped in the cabin, Kithra couldn't help but smile up at the other girl who was in the same house as she. She sighed and shook her head through when she called Thane a minger, she didn't like name calling even if the other person deserved it. It just caused more unneeded friction between the two houses, even though Slytherin was awfully good at causing friction. It seemed to be their whole mandate, cause discord and mayhem. Though they were good at covering their tracks, even though many knew who did or caused something to happen. Shortly after Cassie took her seat Nicoli Savage came in with his cat Nightmare. Nicoli was of a very wealthy family that wasn't afraid to use that power over peoples heads, again his views on her was that she was a mudblood. He threatened her once, back in first year, she wondered if he even remembered, though she doubted it. She felt Camala puff up slightly at the sight of Nightmare, which wasn't surprising as the other cat was horrible to others, even cased year sevens down one of the halls at school back in year one. "Nothing really, everyone just saying hello." She said answering Nicoli's question, though she knew she didn't have to bother.She just wanted everyone to get along, though by the looks of it that was far from happening. Instead Kithra turned towards Cassie and smiled, "How was your summer?" She asked truly wanting to know, most of those with a pure back ground had some really amazing summers. She on the other hand had normal muggle type summers, not that she mind too much, she just wish her parents would take her on more magic type vacations. She ignored the looks that both Thane and Nicoli were giving her, she did not wish to give into hateful closed minded ways. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thane Thane was relieved that there would be another from Slytherin house in the same cabin, as he wasn't sure he could deal with Cassie's constant glare. He found the other Hufflepuff to be annoying, even though she came from both a pure and rich back ground. He smirked at Cassie before giving her a mocked air kiss, he knew that would annoy her but he didn't care. Anyone that liked mudbloods like she did deserved to be made fun of, or in the vary least annoyed. He looked up at the empty owl cage and suddenly wondered how his great horned owl, Death, was doing. He had come up with the name after seeing just how big he was, his shadow on other creatures as he flew over them was like deaths shadow as it was usually the last thing those creatures ever saw. Death actually took someone cat once, boy was that a blunder, even though the cat survived, Death had to be locked up. Was his fault that the cat looked like a tasty meal, so now if a cat, rat, frog or what ever else goes missing Death gets blamed and they lock him up and wait to see if he spits up the animals bones and fur. All of the time he never did it, though he did eat someone rat once which didn't help. He was pulled out of his thinking when he heard Kithra answering Nicoli's question, even though he didn't need it to be answered as he knew full well what was going on. Kithra's answer seemed sickeningly sweet, which caused him to make a face and glare at her for a moment. [i]How dare she talk to those of pure blood[/i] He thought shaking his head and looking away from the mudblood. He suddenly wondered what Tom had planned or what his idea was, probably something to do with mudbloods, usually did anyway. "Have you seen Tom lately?" He asked Nicoli hoping that he saw him that way he would know that he was some where on the train. The mention of Tom's name made Kithra move uneasily and her cat to puff up, not that he blamed her. Tom was notoriously mean and degrading to mudbloods and many of her kind tried to stay clear of him.