Enasi noticed and could almost feel Seishu's pain. If it wasn't obvious enough, the influx of energy could easily prove it. Rue's fear grew as the nightmare guardian growled out. He wasn't sure if it was in pain or if he was angry towards them. "I-I really a-am sorry." Rue squeaked out before running over and hiding behind Enasi. Yet, even though he was afraid, Rue was still curious as ever. He peeked from behind the burgundy haired male and watched as Seishu healed himself. "I'll get the doctors to tend to you. This time, a little better." Enasi's voice was calm despite the burning and his forcible healing. "Just rest for now or something." As he turned away, Rue's fear grew even more. The threat was enough to squeal out and run to the dream guardian. "Is he r-really going to-" Seishu's scream interrupted Rue and made both dreamers jump in surprise. While Rue coward away, Enasi stepped closer making sure Seishu was still alive. The sounds alone made him cringe in pain, so Enasi could only guess how terrible he felt. "Rue, hurry and get the doctors. Tell them to hurry on my orders." The little fairy didn't hesitate to escape the room. The dream guardian checked to make sure his counterpart was still breathing, and once it was confirmed, he gently and so carefully placed him on the bed fully. Medics rushed in almost three minutes after the call and looked over at Enasi. "Sir! What is the problem?!" The guardian pointed at the other. "He's hurt and in pain! Help him!" "B-But sir, he-he's-" Enasi put his hand up to interrupt the doctor in charge. "It's on my orders. He can't and won't hurt you. Just fix him better than what you did before." The one in charge nodded hesitantly and quickly gathered his team together. Without further word, the small crew was operating as if he was their own- except using human means of operation. Ensy sighed and walked out of the room, dragging Rue behind him. The fairy kid stayed quiet and sat against the wall. "I have to check on some things. Rue, you stay out of there for right now. I don't need you to get in the doctors' way. So go find something else to do." Without actually waiting for an answer, Enasi walked off to meet with his trusted official Harper. Rue's temptations got the better of him and he peeped in to listen to the doctors as they operated. It was about an hour or longer before the medics could do noting more besides going to the next patients they had. Rue wasn't noticed, so he slipped inside while Seishu was asleep to get a curious look, ignoring all precautions he was given.