Nina was caught off-guard by the question and began to laugh awkwardly, she had barely even hear the compliment through the sound of her silently scolding herself. Her face slowly grew a little pink. "Er well... Ahah... You heard me singing? Um well I suppose... Ever since I was little um... Here!" She exclaimed, thrusting the rabbit at him after spotting him eyeing her camp. "Her name is Shu-shu. You can hold her if you like. I mean if you want to." It was such an abrupt gesture that Shu-shu actually seemed bothered for a moment, squirming slightly before it began lazily munching again. The rabbit seemed fairly used to this sort of treatment. Hoping the boy was at least partly distracted by the bunny she began to feel around behind her with her foot, kicking closed her notebook lest they reveal some of their secrets and stories. While there was nothing truly embarrassing amidst the pages there were many things that Nina had sworn never to show another human being unless they were perfect ( which by her standards they weren't ). "She uh... Won't bite or anything. She's nice."