[center][i][b]Aurora and Lilith Aeternus||Nexus Mystic Forest to Festival Affected Players~ Ares, Alessia, Banshee, Daedalus, Moon234 [/b][/i] Lilith easily caught up to the group as she sprinted through the ground, standing next to Ares as she listened to everyone speak. Aurora hummed as she walked through the forest, a bit battered and bloody from fitting a couple of wolves but other than that she seemed just fine. She spotted some lights and noticed a festival was going on, celebrating........ Lanterns? She wasn't sure if that was exactly it since she couldn't really see the sign very well but she would soon find out. She made her way past the gates, looking at the crowds of people who were standing there. "Ares?! Is that you!?" Aurora asked happily, stopping as she saw someone she'd never thought she'd see as a real person; Lilith. "H-How did you...... Escape?" Aurora asked, walking over to Lilith who stood up. "I might ask you the same thing!" Lilith said angrily, the two circling each other and taking in what the other looked like. "But I thought I had hidden you down too deep inside to ever escape before this game started!" Aurora said, very confused by all this. "Well, you'd be wrong Blondie! Somehow we must have gotten splitted up, and now we're two separate beings." Lilith said, making Aurora smile. "Well, I'm glad I don't have to hide you anymore! Honestly, it was becoming exhausting!" Aurora said before hugging Ares. "It's so good to see you Ares, I'm glad you're alright! You haven't gotten hurt, have you? I swear, I'll kick the asses of whoever tries to hurt you!" Aurora said as she stepped back, making some punching movements before giggling. "Show off!" Lilith murmured, rolling her eyes and starting to walk away. "If you need me Ares, I'll be going to find Valentine! See you later!" Lilith said before disappearing into the crowd. Aurora turned to the crowd of that seemed to be gathered around Ares, smiling and shaking everyone's hand happily. "Hi, I'm Aurora, Ares friend back in the real world! And who might you lovely people be?" Aurora asked happily, smiling that smile that seemed to sparkle every time she used it. Lilith found Valentine at the Wolf Race, smiling and cheering him on as he won the race. She rushed up to him, hugging him around the waist as she kissed his lips. "Good job sweetheart, I knew you could do it!" Lilith said, putting a chocolate in his mouth that she had bought. "How do you like that? They're chocolate and peanut butter truffles! They cost five gold, but I'd pay anything for you!" Lilith said, popping one in her mouth and smiling. "So, what should we do next?" Lilith asked, tucking a strand back into place as she looked into his eyes. Lilith knew there were a lot of things that they could do, and they could even register as a couple as well. She was just happy to be back with Valentine, since she decided that he was the one pursuing, not Ares. If little Miss. Happy-Go-Lucky wanted him, then she could have him! But Valentine was hers, and hers alone, and she wanted to keep it that way! Aurora looked at Ares, blue eyes shimmering happily in the night light. "How did you meet all these people so quickly! I mean, I haven't met a single one when I went into the woods! Guess people are a bit afraid of Haunt, but that's alright! Even the animals are scared of her! Trust me, I talked to them, so I know!" Aurora said happily, smiling at Ares and the others. _____________________________________________________________________ [/center] [hider=Lilith] [img]http://imageshack.us/a/img820/5667/8a2e.png[/img] [i][b]HP~ 20% SP~ 100 Level~ 2 Inventory~ Gold x5 SP Potion x6 Rope x2 Fine Ale x2 Food x10 Wolf Pelt x1 Enemies~ None. Lilith~ Demon[/b][/i] [/hider] [hider=Aurora] [img]http://imagizer.imageshack.com/img909/4895/107bca.png[/img] [i][b]HP: 100% SP: 130 Level: 1 Inventory Potion x4 Gold x110 Enemies~ None. Aurora~ Angel[/b][/i] [/hider]