[center][b]Manus, God of Stars, Man, and Wonder[/b][/center] --- In its humanoid form Manus is extremely vast, its form completely incomprehensible to its children. It looks vaguely like its children, leaning more towards masculine features like broad shoulders and a defined chest, but in truth has no established gender and in fact has been seen as male and female among his children's varied religions. [hider=Huminoid][img]http://thinkbannedthoughts.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/galaxycreator.jpg[/img][/hider] --- Manus' true form is that of a an endless mass of midnight tendrils filled with the stars it constantly generates. --- [b]Man[b]- This is the crown jewel of Manus' creations. Sure they cannot shine for eons, or explode with the force to level almost anything. But they are the first beings other than the gods themselves to gain sentience, a gift that several other of Manus' siblings contributed to. Manus takes pride in these people he has created and once one earned it, they will be given immortality along with their precursors among the stars.