Username: Serinaty Character Name: Camriska Dobrynin (Prefers Cammy) Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: [hider=Cammy][img][/img][/hider] Personality: Cammy is very strong willed and always had a bit of a..practical personality. She is a strong puzzle solver and has a deep want to understand the world. In fact if she hadn't been born with the gift for magic she most likely wouldn't have believed in it at all.She's not much of a dreamer, and prefers practical science over the more...out there classes. She can sometimes be misconstrued as a cold hearted person, but its just the way her hardened personality comes off as. If you were to get close to her she would defend you until her dying breath. House: Viserious Bio: Camriska's pure-blood parents were born Russian and immigrated to America when her mother became pregnant with Cammy's elder brother, Markus. Of course magic flowed strongly through both her and her brother. The young girl always looked up to her elder brother of 5 years, he got high marks on his OWL's and NEWT's, was charming and likeable, the pride and joy of Gladium...their parents were quite proud and expected their daughter to find the same popularity when she't meant to be. Though Cammy did well on her class assignments, it was more of an average score with a few classes peaking, than the all around amazing feats her brother achieved. She didn't get into Quidditch, she wasn't a social butterfly, and especially didn't care for House Gladium...having been sorted into Viserious without a second thought. She's taken a rather strong interest in Arithmancy..the class seeming to be boring to most students, she found absolutely wonderful. She's also finding more and more of an interest in DaDA, and the thought of becoming an Auror has crossed her mind a few times... Skills: Strengths: Arithmancy, History of Magic, and Defense Against the Dark Arts Weaknesses: Charms, Divination, Transfiguration Classes: Potions, Herbology, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, History of Magic, Astronomy, Charms, and her electives are Arithmancy and Art (though she's not a very skilled artist)