[center][i]Prince Aeternus ll Nexus Town Square Affected Players: Vick, Maximellio[/i][/center] Prince purred, his eye narrowed in amusement as he watched the glasses wearing boy stumble over his words and blush deeper. Neither refusing or accepting the offer, much to the feline man's surprise. A outright no was the usual answer. Such a cute boy must not be used to such actions from either gender. Perhaps he hadn't ever really dated someone. It was not impossible, and by the way he acted they were probably true. It was then his ears perked at a loud commotion, and he turned his attention to a dark colorful man though before he could get a good look, Vick had muttered 'Cat' and blocked his view. The black haired boy stumbled over words in a effort to distract the red haired man's attention, but now Prince was even more curious as he tried to lean to the sides to get a better look. [b]"Mhmm I'm just good at reading people. I need to in order to predict oncoming attacks."[/b] Prince answered softly but he was focus on the commotion before it finally clicked with him why Vick was trying to divert his attention. This colorful man was obviously a harassing individual, his class was the Chesire Shooter. No wonder that cat felt off. It was one of the many specialized classes that were exclusive to Soul Story. His eye narrowed slightly, his lips pierced together in a thin line as he watched the colorful man harassing people. The look on his face was calm like always, but it held a slightly dangerous edge to it, as if this reminded him of something. The serious expression disappeared quickly however as he smiled at Vick and patted him on the head a little, fingers ruffling the black hair. [b]"Mhmm I shall be right back Vick. You stay here."[/b] he said in his usual cheery tone before moving around Vick, flinching as static ran through him again and made him pause. The Buccanneer wasn't really in any condition for any further confrontation, especially while he was paralyzed, but since this was in town it should be fine. After all they couldn't kill each other, but that didn't mean he couldn't give the same treatment. Suddenly, the tall man dashed foreword, his speed moving like a bullet through the crowd before he jumped, his heel moving down as he just about drop kicked the man away from the booth keeper. This mere assault would do no damage, but simply knock the other guy off. Grinning, Prince innocently smiled and tilted his hat foreword. [b]"Greetings dear brother. My my it is quite unbecoming to see you bother such a fine gentleman. It ruins the festive mood my good man."[/b] Prince chirped, acting like nothing happened and he was having a completely normal conversation, but his eye never left the man. --- [url=http://tektek.org/av/897119][img]http://imageshack.us/a/img841/8455/atrs.png[/img][/url] HP: 40% SP: 20% Status Effects: Paralyze Level 4 [i]Inventory[/i] HP potions: 6 Sp potions: 9 Wooden Harp: 1 Cinnamon Cookies: 5 Gold: 62 Wolf Pelt: 1 Wolf Fang: 2 [u]Enemies[/u] [hider=Playlist] Track 1: [url=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vBpwJJonlLY]Gravity[/url] Track 2: [url=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B8UeeIAJ0a0]Iris by Goo Goo Dolls[/url] Track 3: [url=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sXXPe7jBP7Y]Onaji Hanashi[/url] Track 4: [url=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fPERg2HqO_Y]Numa Numa[/url] Track 5: [url=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uUKttV-BPLw]Conqueror of the Sky[/url] Track 6: [url=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jZhpQWXOffY]Escaping the Kraken[/url][/hider]