UPDATE: Finally did a thing. Gretchen is up. Doing Greta... soon. :P Then I can move on to actual characters that aren't just front deskmen who give people keys and handle complaints haha. Oh, and probably complain about noise levels too. @BeeBee2121: Totally not a problem, you could throw in an old con man, heck, you could even throw in a president into a nearby mansion. Tons of possibilities, the trick is finding ones that aren't so out there that they inconvenience other RPers. If you intend to do this retired art thief, make sure his history is extensive and explains thoroughly why and how he got away with it/or is released, how he got into it.... ect. :P No half assed backstory with something like that. If you write one that seems interesting and wont twist up the plot around him, I think that'd be rather interesting. Perhaps he actually got off free by selling out his partner in crime, and now feels guilty about it? So long as he isn't say, still wanted in several countries and somehow never recognized anywhere I'll be cool with it. :P @Starwinter: Having pairs is an awesome idea, I have two that I'm considering adding in myself. My only worry is that one is from a rich affluential background and I don't want to be throwing too many characters who are extraordinary into this on my own. Gretchen would also be very tolerant/helpful of anyone with a disability, so it'd be an interesting idea. @Everyone: 2 may be the minimum, but there's no need to stop there. Feel free to go off the deep end if you like, just be careful not to go past how many you can RP. I also suggest paying attention to the schedule part of the bio for your characters so you don't end up just sitting here waiting for the next day while all of us with night owl characters go at it. :P If anyone asks though, I can PM people when days and nights shift and such so that they don't miss their chance to be active with certain characters. I'll also be regulating time of day slightly, but like any RP time will be a little bit relative. EDIT(6:22PM): Greta Added.