The crowd moved in a jerky stop start fashion undulating in a tidal wave of unwieldy limbs. Buried in shadow it looked almost comical, a collection of poor slapstick comedians all pitching their wares simultaneously to an unappreciative audience. No one laughed, the silence was suspended, a blanket held over them all as every living soul in the room held it's breath. Then the faces moved into the light, expression stretched in a pale remembrance of their last breath, many screaming, some slack jawed, oozing puss as rot began to strip at the flesh. Bleached bone protruded from under robes, bloodstained gashes torn through jeans, muscle or intestine leaking from wounds that had been fatal. Some jaws worked frantically, grunts and moans torn from reanimated throats even as their limbs reached out hands splayed and eyes fixed. One purpose to reach them, to pull them down. There was movement no from the defenders some shifting, unnerved, restless, but they held no one fled. Caroline was disgusted, revolted that the rest of the dead had been disrupted that they have been pulled from the warmth of their graves to face life as husks. This was not an atrocity to attack these creatures... this, this was mercy. "Fire. They hate fire." muttered George next to her, his voice like the ring of a hammer off cold steel, powerful, controlled. "If you see the fire getting out of control, you get out." She twirled her wand gently,searching for a spell, something novel, something new, something that played to her strengths. Then someone broke, like dominoes they fell to the primitive urge to attack. Shouts,curses wands were waved and Inferi ignited, rotting flesh seared away, bones turned to ash, lights blazing over the scene, flashes illuminating ragged rank after ragged rank of foul fiends. They seemed infinite one burned away replaced by two like the heads of the hydra. She alone had not fired a spell, she alone was still thinking even as the seething mass moved closer, to many she must have seemed frozen as if she had bottled yet her brain worked for she new single spells alone could not turn back the hoard.. They needed more fire.... more fire. Her eyes spread to the walls, to the torches and candle that illuminated the great atrium....More fire She raised her wand the charm coming easily to her "luminem totalum" Candles shifted bunching together from where they have hovered in midair, torches stirred in their brackets and they rose as one high into the air but she was not done, Better to funnel them band them together into a killing zone, than waste these precious resources on taking out a few stray inferi within a sea. She could kill and slow them the same time Directly ahead of the shuffling crowd she set them down. Candles and braziers intertwined to form two small flaming barricades with a chasm still 100 feet wide cleft in between. She continued her plan forming "Vegitatum totalum" Plants and ornamental shrubs rose together and she threw them upon the fire the flames rising and swelling licking at the inferi who recoiled some backwards knocking others upon their backs where they struggled like stranded tortoises. Others caught in the sudden surge of the blaze recoiled, searing limbs unravelling the charms that held them upright. A puppet with it's strings cut they fell feeding the growing fires. As one, the inferi seemed to move together, pushing inwards circumnavigating the flames, heading into the killing zone