[b]Ra'avi - As the lights struck down.[/b] ________________________________________ Ra'avi sat by herself next to the bonfire. It was past midnight and she was tired. But as warrior of the light and pure she knew falling asleep before the fire was a no-no. It could cause damage on the forest and the animals. She rubbed her eyes trying to stay awake. She then reached forward placing her palms near the flames to keep warm. Another yawn. [i]"This is silly, I should be at home but nooooo.... Ravi always gotta take the early shifts.." [/i] She sighed and glanced towards the south where some brief lights came from the small town. She knew that the lanterns soon would die out for the night as most of the people were asleep. She couldn't stand the weight of her eyelids anymore and fell back next to the bonfire letting her petite body fall against the grass. She looked up upon the stars and smiled slightly. Her eyes slowly shut as she fell asleep by the fire. Hours later she heard a weird "swoosh" further away, across the little town by the south-west forest. She squinted her eyes to make sure her head wasn't playing pranks on her. She followed the glows with her eyes, somewhat smitten by the swirling, twirling glimmers around it. She smiled, somewhat convinced she was dreaming. She laid back down and fell asleep and the bonfire died out within a minute. [b]Kaya - All dreams come to an end.[/b] ________________________________________ Kaya brought her arms around her fiancee, they had been falling asleep on the balcony daybed again. She could feel a light sunburn on her chest. She stretched out and looked upon her fiancee with a smirk upon her face. He was still sleeping. He had been working overtime again and yet found the strength to wake up with Kaya as she wasn't feeling good this morning. She took a glance down at the diamond ring on her finger. Sometimes she felt like pinching herself in the arm to make sure she wasn't dreaming. She yawned, she had been so tired the past week. Figured she was exhausted due to the sun exposure. She felt nausea again and figured it'd be better to sit up for a little. The room spun around and she was certain she was about to pass out. She reached out for her fiancees arm hoping he would be alarmed by her condition. She was somewhat worried herself. She didn't reach her fiancee for some reason but before she knew it everything brightened up. She was certain she was passed out. Her knees connects to the balcony, no wait... She reached forward still blinded by the light. Grass? She must have officially lost her mind. She laid down on the grass hoping her fiancee would wake her up soon. Expecting to wake up in a hospital bed or something. She was also quite the drama queen. Minutes had passed and she figured she'd open her eyes. Her eyelids felt heavy. The grass around her was cold and the surrounding was somewhat dark. She sat up on her knees still dazed. Where was she? Is this was coma looks like?